What are YOUR backlink strategies?

61 replies
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So what do you do these days for backlinks now that Google has gone nuts on everyone? I know that building great content is #1...what about link building other ways though?

Anyone still using articles, press releases, and directories anymore?
#backlink #strategies
  • Profile picture of the author dejaone
    The best strategy is always to build links for traffic or for your users. Article submission, press release or directory submission aren't that effective at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hansons
    I would say that build only relevant links for better result, but you have to maintain natural aspect of link building too.

    Is your website Hacked? Try -> www.sitebeak.com
    Is Google Analytics installed Properly? Test -> www.GAtective.com
    Impersonal Google search? Check -> www.impersonal.me

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  • Profile picture of the author supereek
    i do blog commenting and profiles on high authority sites.

    Get my fiverr abritage tutorial for free HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author wwhitley
    Just wanted to say that it is very hard to get backlinks today. Even when you comment on a website you need to have the site owner OK your comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author micksss
    Originally Posted by jbearnolimits View Post

    So what do you do these days for backlinks now that Google has gone nuts on everyone? I know that building great content is #1...what about link building other ways though?

    Anyone still using articles, press releases, and directories anymore?
    High quality over large quantity is the way to go. Don't build lots of crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    My link building strategy haven't change much even after Google update. As I have not felt the urge to do so. I have always concentrated on building relevant backlinks for my sites and till date I have always seen positive results for my backlinking efforts.

    At the same time I always adopt new ways of link building mechanism, such as social sharing, pdf links etc. It helps to diversify my site's backlink profile so that it looks more natural to Google eye.

    Only make sure you are not creating any backlinks which sound silly to your conscious mind. For example building 50K blog comment backlink may not be that helpful if you are trying to improve your ranking. SEO is quite easy if you don't trick.
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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  • Profile picture of the author kaytav
    Originally Posted by jbearnolimits View Post

    So what do you do these days for backlinks now that Google has gone nuts on everyone? I know that building great content is #1...what about link building other ways though?

    Anyone still using articles, press releases, and directories anymore?
    Sometimes use Press Release.... Infographics and Guest Posts as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    For diversity I use a mix of:

    - blogging platforms that real people use (top 10 only)
    - video submission sites
    - infographic sites
    - few free press release sites
    - social media sites
    - doc/pdf sharing sites
    - few bookmark sites

    Keep in mind that you won't rank well when you only build the above listed links.

    The real power lies in high PR links, whether it are permanent homepage links or blog posts that roll of after some time. Either way these are truly essential to achieve high rankings.
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    • Profile picture of the author kaytav
      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

      For diversity I use a mix of:

      - blogging platforms that real people use (top 10 only)
      - video submission sites
      - infographic sites
      - few free press release sites
      - social media sites
      - doc/pdf sharing sites
      - few bookmark sites

      Keep in mind that you won't rank well when you only build the above listed links.

      The real power lies in high PR links, whether it are permanent homepage links or blog posts that roll of after some time. Either way these are truly essential to achieve high rankings.
      Hey Nik0,

      Do you also create Infographics, or get it done from some designer?
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      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by kaytav View Post

        Hey Nik0,

        Do you also create Infographics, or get it done from some designer?
        I let my writer create some text for it, then send it over to a Fiverr guy to make it graphically nice, and then back to my link building team to submit them.

        Bit time consuming but well, cheap way.
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        • Profile picture of the author kaytav
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          I let my writer create some text for it, then send it over to a Fiverr guy to make it graphically nice, and then back to my link building team to submit them.

          Bit time consuming but well, cheap way.
          About the Fiverr guy... how do they work? Are they good enough
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          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by kaytav View Post

            About the Fiverr guy... how do they work? Are they good enough
            Just test some and go with the one that you like.
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    • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

      For diversity I use a mix of:

      - blogging platforms that real people use (top 10 only)
      - video submission sites
      - infographic sites
      - few free press release sites
      - social media sites
      - doc/pdf sharing sites
      - few bookmark sites

      Keep in mind that you won't rank well when you only build the above listed links.

      The real power lies in high PR links, whether it are permanent homepage links or blog posts that roll of after some time. Either way these are truly essential to achieve high rankings.
      Its funny how I heard people say that for a good year, but never took their advice. Probably because I was hanging out in the main forum, rather than the SEO forum when I first came here.

      So naturally I wasted a lot of time building those types of links.

      Its only in the last couple months, I've been focusing on high pr links, and the difference is astounding. Its like 2 totally different worlds. Not to mention, it saves you A LOT of time. My current site, I was building links to for 6 months with little to no improvement at all. Then as soon as I got a few high pr links, my SERPFOX ranks shot through the roof. Not just for 1 keyword, but multiple different keywords.

      Now thats all I'm focused on is getting more high pr links. I completely stopped using blogger/wordpress/livejournal/weebly/etc etc. No more blog comments. No more links just for the sake of getting links.
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      • Profile picture of the author biotin
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        Its funny how I heard people say that for a good year, but never took their advice. Probably because I was hanging out in the main forum, rather than the SEO forum when I first came here.

        So naturally I wasted a lot of time building those types of links.

        Its only in the last couple months, I've been focusing on high pr links, and the difference is astounding. Its like 2 totally different worlds. Not to mention, it saves you A LOT of time. My current site, I was building links to for 6 months with little to no improvement at all. Then as soon as I got a few high pr links, my SERPFOX ranks shot through the roof. Not just for 1 keyword, but multiple different keywords.

        Now thats all I'm focused on is getting more high pr links. I completely stopped using blogger/wordpress/livejournal/weebly/etc etc. No more blog comments. No more links just for the sake of getting links.

        What is a PR link, and how do you determine quality?
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        • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
          Originally Posted by biotin View Post

          What is a PR link, and how do you determine quality?
          He can chime in that any moment, but to throw my two cents into it and keeping as Evergreen as possible PR typically represents the quality of the associated page a link is embedded on.

          As a general rule, more popular sites have a greater PR, then the obviously less.
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          • Profile picture of the author biotin
            sorry, so PR= Page rank, or Press Release?
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      • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        Its funny how I heard people say that for a good year, but never took their advice. Probably because I was hanging out in the main forum, rather than the SEO forum when I first came here.

        So naturally I wasted a lot of time building those types of links.

        Its only in the last couple months, I've been focusing on high pr links, and the difference is astounding. Its like 2 totally different worlds. Not to mention, it saves you A LOT of time. My current site, I was building links to for 6 months with little to no improvement at all. Then as soon as I got a few high pr links, my SERPFOX ranks shot through the roof. Not just for 1 keyword, but multiple different keywords.

        Now thats all I'm focused on is getting more high pr links. I completely stopped using blogger/wordpress/livejournal/weebly/etc etc. No more blog comments. No more links just for the sake of getting links.
        It's funny how a quick shift of focus can really produce the maximum results that we strive for each and every day. Congratulations on Pine only getting that boost. I'm curious to see whether or not your tracking in Google, as well as Yahoo/being (intertwined. The thing they have going on)

        We have typically been finding a high impact on quality PR links when associating them to good onpage SEO site. And Google still withholds their focus on overall quantity and distribution proportions, commonly referred to as link portfolio.

        So if you wouldn't mind sharing your experience and results as for as the different where you're exactly skyrocketing at.
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  • Profile picture of the author crash9811
    To receive high search engine rankings I have found that having a lot of backlinks with different keywords will help. If you are trying to rank for a specific keyword and you try to get most of your backlinks with that keyword, you will find yourself moving down in the search results and not up. Focus on keywords that will attract clicks and generate traffic and over time you will see your site moving up in search results for some good keywords. The best practice is not to try and trick Google because you will never make it to the first page, and if you do make it to the first page, your site will not stay there long.
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  • Profile picture of the author themen710
    You can apply Social Networking Sites. This is a quick method of building backlinks that involve the use of social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. These do not have any restrictions when it comes to SEO, backlinks and the like which means you have the freedom to put baclinks anywhere in your posts. You can share videos and have your backlink on the description.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
    Here's basically my strategies leveraging infographics.

    Infographics have been very effective for boosting traffic to my website lately for the simple reason that pictures offer you a better chance for creativity, and it's that creativity that will determine how viral your infographics will be and how much traffic you will derive from your infographic marketing efforts.

    How I have been getting Fast Traffic With Infographic SEO
    The role of backlinks in SEO is extremely evident, and as a result, everyone wants to acquire as much backlinks as possible, particularly high quality ones. This is possible with the use of infographics.

    When you create an infographic, simply embed a script for users to share it thus linking to your site in it and you will receive a backlink when it is published on another website.

    This will normally improve your search engine rankings which will result in fast traffic to your website.

    Additionally, infographics can send enormous traffic to your website if picked up by eminent and highly-visited websites. Premium My Friend

    The impact it will have and how fast the boost in your traffic will occur is dependent on the popularity and how far-reaching your infographic is.

    Consequently, the basic formula for generating fast traffic with infographic SEO is this:

    viral infographic + your backlink = fast trafficSee not complicated. I hate math to.

    So how do you make sure your infographic goes viral, since that is the integral component?

    Making Your Infographics Go Viral the good kind

    oh no, here comes the step-by-step, hold onto your britches.....

    1. Come up with something interesting to include in your infographic: The fashion in which most people think of and decide on the titles of their infographics is appalling, and that makes their apparent failures unsurprising. You got to put a little effort in starting out before going automated.

    You cannot create a successful infographic that attracts lots of links and traffic without producing an interesting title that facilitates the inclusion of interesting information in your infographic, and the best way to do that is to cover a story that hasn't been covered before. duh haha the best content is drawn directly from your own experiences.

    The keyword here is uniqueness. If all else fails.. Research into the existing topics related to your niche, find what their omissions are, choose one which you are positive will be fascinating enough to make some noise, and base your infographic on it.

    You will thank yourself later.

    2. Design your infographics appealingly: This is extremely obvious, but many neglect to heed this advice.

    The design of your infographics must reflect your niche, so be very selective and attentive when you choose your colors and your diagrams.

    One very useful tip in this regard is reading the article the infographic is contained within to get the overall drift of the article and making sure the infographic conveys the same information in a succinct and attractive manner.

    3. Promote aggressively: You may have a popular website or blog already whose visitors could carry out most of the promotion and sharing passively. But to maximize the benefits and potential traffic your infographic may produce, you have to promote it and spread the word.
    You can promote your infographics by submitting engaging press releases to the major press release distributors, leveraging your Facebook and Twitter accounts and infographic directories, and informing relevant and respectable bloggers via email about your new infographic.

    My long awaited Conclusion

    Those who have never experienced the impact of a successful infographic SEO expedition may take it for granted. However, it really works.

    If you can follow the steps above and embrace infographics as a marketing medium, you will start enjoying fast traffic to your websites or blogs - talk about traffic on demand this stuff rules buddy.

    I hope this helps in proof, as a example that quality over quantity can kick butt with SEO Budy and I do everything that I tend to stay away from monotonous article distribution mumbo-jumbo.......
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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      Blog commenting. That's about it.

      I'm sure there are some people out there with amazing sites who implement heavy duty SEO tactics, and some out there with weak sites who do relatively little traditional SEO work. But generally speaking, it wouldn't surprise me if it is those with second-rate sites who try to game the system to compensate for a lack of good content.

      I've found simple blog commenting to be absolutely as effective as I need, so long as the content on my site is good. Engage in the community in a fun and informative way, become one of them; they'll be visiting your site, and before you know it you'll have followers at Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, +1, be linked to on blogrolls and whatever else. That is rock-solid traffic and social validation, and it's tough to see Google doing anything else other than reward such sites.
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      • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
        Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

        Blog commenting. That's about it.

        I'm sure there are some people out there with amazing sites who implement heavy duty SEO tactics, and some out there with weak sites who do relatively little traditional SEO work. But generally speaking, it wouldn't surprise me if it is those with second-rate sites who try to game the system to compensate for a lack of good content.

        I've found simple blog commenting to be absolutely as effective as I need, so long as the content on my site is good. Engage in the community in a fun and informative way, become one of them; they'll be visiting your site, and before you know it you'll have followers at Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, +1, be linked to on blogrolls and whatever else. That is rock-solid traffic and social validation, and it's tough to see Google doing anything else other than reward such sites.
        You imply that you are against the gray hat are black hat techniques. Although I have found the majority of people associate blog commenting with just that.

        May I ask what type of blog comment team is producing such adequate results for you?? I know there are some legitimate ways, but just for the sake of sharing your successes. It would be wonderful for you to go in depth.
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        • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
          Originally Posted by Clint Faber View Post

          You imply that you are against the gray hat are black hat techniques.
          Not necessarily. I don't mind what others do, and I'm sure many accomplished people have success with those kind of tactics. But for me, I just feel more secure going white hat - the results are fine and I think it makes sites more Google-proof.

          Although I have found the majority of people associate blog commenting with just that. May I ask what type of blog comment team is producing such adequate results for you?? I know there are some legitimate ways, but just for the sake of sharing your successes. It would be wonderful for you to go in depth.
          I don't use a blog comment team - I do it all myself. The point is that I am trying to build a reputation, some authority, with a blog. I cannot entrust something as important to that to freelancers.

          A distinction must be made between blog commenting and blog spamming. My sites catch loads of spam each day and they don't stand a chance of being published. Even if they were published, the content is so poor that few would follow their links or make much of their sites.

          Compare this to building a strong site and properly engaging in the social conversation. You go to a top blog in your niche that has a new post up. You pay attention to the content of the post, to the comments of others, and offer up an informed comment which has a breezy, 'real person' style (rather than a dry, cookie-cutter response). This comes accompanied with a proper gravatar, and a link to a brandable domain rather than a spam-ish EMD.

          Those comments get attention, get clicks. What you will start noticing is that everybody in the community does this - they comment on each other's blogs with clear branding (e.g. Sarah @ Necklace Girl). Because the majority of them don't think like marketers - they are people who have a genuine interest in their niche, love seeing what others do, and want to be part of a community. If you can get in on that yourself, the traffic and rankings really do take care of themselves.
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          • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
            Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

            Not necessarily. I don't mind what others do, and I'm sure many accomplished people have success with those kind of tactics. But for me, I just feel more secure going white hat - the results are fine and I think it makes sites more Google-proof. .
            Oh, I wasn't saying that you were. To clarify I merely meant you imply that you're against participating in such.

            Thanks for sharing the clarification with everyone. I knew this is what you were referring to. In fact, it is what I myself practice and teach in SEO Positioner.
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            • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
              Originally Posted by Clint Faber View Post

              Oh, I wasn't saying that you were. To clarify I merely meant you imply that you're against participating in such.

              Yet still you hold my curiosity in suspense as I wait for the reply to my inquiry from that post.
              I thought I did? You'll have to be more specific about what you wish to know.
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          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

            Not necessarily. I don't mind what others do, and I'm sure many accomplished people have success with those kind of tactics. But for me, I just feel more secure going white hat - the results are fine and I think it makes sites more Google-proof.
            Lol, you are only blog comment spamming and at the same time you're saying you feel more secure going white hat

            No matter how relevant your comment, you're still spamming to achieve a link, impossible to deny.
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            • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
              Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

              Lol, you are only blog comment spamming and at the same time you're saying you feel more secure going white hat

              No matter how relevant your comment, you're still spamming to achieve a link, impossible to deny.
              I don't really want to get into a semantic debate, but I don't consider what I do to be spamming. It is niche targeted, not indiscriminate; the comments are informed and always published, not aimless and rejected; I am not aiming for 'link juice' or any kind of deliberate SEO - just reaching an audience. These comments are approved because, ultimately, the website owners feels it makes their sites better - not something you usually associate with spam.

              It is just social engagement. If not, then the vast majority of Warriors must be considered spammers for having links in their sigs and profiles! :p
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              • Profile picture of the author nik0
                Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

                Then the vast majority of Warriors must be considered spammers for having links in their sigs and profiles! :p
                Yes exactly!
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    • Profile picture of the author fortony
      Originally Posted by Clint Faber View Post

      Here's basically my strategies leveraging infographics.

      I hope this helps in proof, as a example that quality over quantity can kick butt with SEO Budy and I do everything that I tend to stay away from monotonous article distribution mumbo-jumbo.......
      Thank you for all the info. I've been thinking of doing some infographs but do not have time for them now and would like to outsource the creation process. Do you happen to know of any places that are good?

      Give your glass products the strength of 9H tempered glass with Dglass Coat. https://dglasscoat.com/

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7907849].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Clint Faber
        Originally Posted by fortony View Post

        Thank you for all the info. I've been thinking of doing some infographs but do not have time for them now and would like to outsource the creation process. Do you happen to know of any places that are good?
        That's a catch 22 question, and I'll be explain why that is. And maybe give you some insight on to what the costs actually are in outsourcing such a project. As you build a business you want to be able to secure skillful people and have them implementing structured patterns that produce the optimal results in your investment of their time.

        For larger companies it may be more effective to outsource and not lock-in such talent, but that's because in order to establish a structure in-house. It would take too much time as it goes through too many channels before a decision is made, but small businesses do not face such issues.

        I see where you're coming from Everyone knows that content marketing is very important. But when you invest your time and energy it can be very daunting.

        I see this leaves everyone overwhelmed with possibilities because you have to maintain your overall business anyways, and how on earth are you to fiend extra time to create things such as infographics, a solutions to this can be the process of outsourcing tasks. There's a lot of different resources that you can utilize such as freelancers. They can design, organize and distribute this content for you. Keeping in mind your end goal will be securing them as a full-time participate in your business.

        Now don't get way too far ahead of yourself. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. And that can definitely be the case with outsourcing your content like infographics. In fact, there are a lot of different things that you need to consider before hiring someone to do a content creation for your company, but it can offer your businesses a lot of benefits such as freeing your time.

        Yes, you'll need to spend some time finding the correct freelancer, obviously, but once you do a good freelancer or graphic designer can do this type of thing continuously for you which is the benefit that you will be able to get in return over time.

        Bringing in talent to be a part of your business can give you an access to a wider skill set of abilities. So if you don't have the skills to be able to create these infographics sure, you might as well. Sourcing talent may be a necessary thing for you in order to properly use this methodology of info graphic distribution because every skill you pick up along the way is in the take time, which can distract you from your overall goals.

        Even if you have some experience in different types of content creation, the outsource expert can offer you many different concepts and revisions that will end up providing you exactly what you need or provide you your expectations, but it's not all fun and games when you're looking for someone hired this type of project, consider some of these things.

        Outsourcing info graphic creation requires that upfront money you'll need to have that capital often times they get paid before you ever see a return on your investment from such a project for a lot of companies. This is an issue, but for small companies you don't face that burden.

        You would be better off creating the content yourself without spending money is you can test these methods yourself. this is exactly what we did when experimenting with infographics. I personally developed my own in Photoshop before having a team put it together or even ever creating the automated software ImageRank to rapidly produce infographics. Which may be your best solution at this stage.

        Successfully outsourcing info graphic creation isn't just as simple as sending over your information and waiting for the results to come back. You need to find the right freelancer, spend time sourcing them. Unscrupulous freelancers can put together fake information on their skills, but there are things that you can do to minimize your risk in trying to find the right outsourcer.

        For example, you need to follow up on references all bring them on for a trial project, but be aware all of this does take time. So, depending on the size and scope of your content creation project, you need to keep in mind, even if you do go ahead and outsource info graphic creation process. You still need to commit time to make sure that all of the content meets your company's needs. which I am sure is obtaining more moolah moolah right...

        Outsourcing is not a forget it After you set it technique. It can take a long time to build trust with content creation, providers, so you need to set aside time to oversee all of the tasks and results. So there is no easy solution for outsourcing projects in bringing people into work for you and I can't just tell you the providers that work for us because we secured them full-time.

        You need to determine all the existing areas to find out what is right for your business. so although I cannot suggest any particular infographics creatures as we had to source and secure our own full-time designer. Hopefully this will give you an idea of what actually takes in order to free up your time and not create your content yourself.

        We're business builders are we not? So we must have the overall perception of everything that we do and I'm sorry that business can be as easy as cutting butter with a red-hot poker.
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  • Profile picture of the author UK US Marketing
    I like to create mini link-wheels via videos, forum marketing and bookmarking. Then hope if the content is helpful, people will link to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hansons
    Thanks, the thread gives me different views on link building.

    What I consider, apart from relevant links, building those links which send some traffic is helpful now.

    Is your website Hacked? Try -> www.sitebeak.com
    Is Google Analytics installed Properly? Test -> www.GAtective.com
    Impersonal Google search? Check -> www.impersonal.me

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesdd12
    Originally Posted by jbearnolimits View Post

    So what do you do these days for backlinks now that Google has gone nuts on everyone? I know that building great content is #1...what about link building other ways though?

    Anyone still using articles, press releases, and directories anymore?
    i do article submission, press releases, Forum posting, blog commenting, some social bookmarking
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  • Profile picture of the author Wes888
    What RedShifted said...

    I'm also focusing my efforts on getting links from high PR sites. I believe you must have good content to achieve this. I would be going to Alexa and search for sites that have high rankings preferably below 5,000 that are relevant to my niche.

    Some sites would offer a straight fee for a review to get listed. Others sites I have seen are more subtle, they offer freebies to their readers. So I'm targeting this type of sites by offering what their readers want hopefully in exchange for a link back. Just my 2 cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author YellowGreenMedia
      Originally Posted by Wes888 View Post

      What RedShifted said...

      I'm also focusing my efforts on getting links from high PR sites. I believe you must have good content to achieve this. I would be going to Alexa and search for sites that have high rankings preferably below 5,000 that are relevant to my niche.

      Some sites would offer a straight fee for a review to get listed. Others sites I have seen are more subtle, they offer freebies to their readers. So I'm targeting this type of sites by offering what their readers want hopefully in exchange for a link back. Just my 2 cents.
      Why do you belief that, if i may ask?
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  • Profile picture of the author Darrall59
    Manually building backlinks through the use of blogs with a high pr is always good
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  • Profile picture of the author smodha
    My strategies focus on doing the EXACT opposite of what Google/Cutts tells us.
    I Sell What People Want. The Money Is A Bonus..
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  • Profile picture of the author danielph
    I am using different links, and with different keywords, this it's important, also if you focus one keywords you need to diversify the keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author RossIT
    i have a few online web 2.0 blogs that i reguarly publish my own articles on, they generally link to a previous article i have done, they have a few choiced keywords tht link to my money site and i hit the web 2.0 sites with backlinks from relevant blog comments and various other methods but this is what i have recently started doing and its working for me!
    www.ross-it.co.uk - Laptop Repairs in Colchester Area
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7912543].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author danielph
      Originally Posted by RossIT View Post

      i have a few online web 2.0 blogs that i reguarly publish my own articles on, they generally link to a previous article i have done, they have a few choiced keywords tht link to my money site and i hit the web 2.0 sites with backlinks from relevant blog comments and various other methods but this is what i have recently started doing and its working for me!
      Do you see improvements from this work?
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  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
    I've found that the best strategies come from working in SEO and being creative. They sort of come naturally if you spend enough time promoting your sites.

    I've learned more link building strategies by accident than I have from any forum.
    Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
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  • Profile picture of the author RogerMayer
    Magic submitter all the way is my way.
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  • Profile picture of the author infocraze
    Contextual backlinks surrounded by unique content tend to work best. You do have to vary your anchors though and maintain a positive link velocity.
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  • Profile picture of the author engagedotscrm
    Focus more on social networking site, it facilitates strong backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author zannix
      Quite on the contrary to what most people here are saying,

      I've come to believe content is NOT nearly as important as people give it credit to be. Google "Bleach episode guide" and check out what EMD comes up at the top. Yeah... And that's 20k unique searches per month.

      Secondly, there are two types of "best link building practices" in my opinion. The natural one which is link baiting and the synthetic one which is buying high quality PR expired domains and building your own blog network to rank your sites.

      These are just my opinions.
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      • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
        Originally Posted by zannix View Post

        Quite on the contrary to what most people here are saying,

        I've come to believe content is NOT nearly as important as people give it credit to be. Google "Bleach episode guide" and check out what EMD comes up at the top. Yeah... And that's 20k unique searches per month.

        Secondly, there are two types of "best link building practices" in my opinion. The natural one which is link baiting and the synthetic one which is buying high quality PR expired domains and building your own blog network to rank your sites.

        These are just my opinions.
        Content matters because PEOPLE land on these pages. If you want these people to do anything, it takes credible content. Most people aren't in business to prove EMDs can rank with enough backlinks - they're in it to make money.
        Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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        • Profile picture of the author zannix
          Originally Posted by PerformanceMan View Post

          Content matters because PEOPLE land on these pages. If you want these people to do anything, it takes credible content. Most people aren't in business to prove EMDs can rank with enough backlinks - they're in it to make money.
          It matters to people, it does not matter to Google. Are we talking about SEO or user experience here?
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  • Profile picture of the author apnavarun
    I am tired of building backlinks and I find it hard and very boring task.

    Any way I some do forum posting, and sometimes I create blogs in wordpress and blogger.com
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  • Profile picture of the author patco
    Article and forum marketing if you have more time. Another option is guest blogging (on related blogs)

    A blog that will show you How to Lose Weight with a cool Quick Weight Loss guide...
    Also enjoy some of my favorite Funny pictures and photos that will make you smile :)

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  • Profile picture of the author germoney
    My link building strategy depends on the type of project. If I am only promoting a hype/trend, I will build a website that won't last long and push it with some "blackhat" links to make fast money.

    When I build an authority site, I will contact as many blog owners as possible and offer them guestposts (vice versa) and build stronger links that will last long. The harder it is to replicate backlinks for competitors, the better are chances to get lasting rankings.

    Learn how to get access to backlinks from over 780,000 domains!
    > Russian Link Secrets exposed <
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruck
    Create infographics to be shared on other sites. #winning
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    • Profile picture of the author thenewseo
      Originally Posted by Ruck View Post

      Create infographics to be shared on other sites. #winning
      This really works -- almost anyone doing this can vouch that this is one of the best strategies.. not only do you get links but you get some good viral opportunities.
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  • Profile picture of the author gearmonkey
    It's more than backlinks, it is brand building and diversifying the anchor texts. I avoid all spammy and low quality backlinks at all costs. They are, however, useful for building backlinks to pages with your link on it, like your ezinearticles page for example.

    My Guitar Website | My SEO Blog - Advertising spots available.

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  • Profile picture of the author jhon once
    My strategy to build backlinks regularly and continuously,
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Less is more as far as backlinks go these days IMHO...

    I've been seeing a lot of success adding content consistently...
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author seoace
    Tiered link building is still effective.
    Who else needs a SEO Client Dashboard for their SEO services ?
    Let your clients monitor their SEO campaigns (Rankings, Backlinks and Work Done)
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  • Profile picture of the author Faisal-Rehman
    I am focusing on unique articles and trying to get high quality backlinks from various sources to make my seo campaign more effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author thenewseo
    A few years ago it was important to consider things like how many domains linking to you and to spread far and wide, sometimes even irrelevant links worked well. Nowadays its not about covering some much web real estate but staying firm on a few sites that`s absolutely important for your industry, the participation, and co-citations these days from text even serve almost as backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author themen710
    You can use the following niche website baclinks
    - blogger
    - wordpress
    - tumbrl
    - squidoo
    - hubPages
    - ezineArticle
    If create backlinks using all of the above plattforms, they are golden mine for your Nich websites. All thse are accepted by the search engines as a quality platform for blogging or creating web content for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author nightrider85
      My backlinks strategies depends on competition in SERPs and what niche you're after.

      If you are after just medium competition, using submission tool like MSubmitter or SEnuke is good enough to get your site rank.

      The more competitive niche you go the more work at backlinking you need to do.

      When doing backlinkings I just follow this so called principles.

      Quality, Velocity, Diversity and Quantity.

      best regards,

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