by vickyk
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I don't about what is Link Wheel but i want to know about this..
so please guys help me out.. if you know about this..:confused:
#link #wheel
  • Profile picture of the author jaintechnosoft
    Originally Posted by vickyk View Post

    I don't about what is Link Wheel but i want to know about this..
    so please guys help me out.. if you know about this..:confused:

    Link wheel is a widely used internet marketing strategy. The basic idea of link wheels is to create a pattern of links which flow from one website to another which would finally link to a targeted website requiring promotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author GodMode52

    Want Google Page ONE Rankings? [YES] [NO]

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  • Profile picture of the author SEODollz
    @Mike... the one I left on your profile is gold
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  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    Won't be long before that chap ends up on 4chan... Then WF will have it's very own viral meme.

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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  • Profile picture of the author oceola
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    Basic link wheel comprising web 2.0 properties. Each web 2.0 property links to the next property forming a link wheel.

    Advanced link wheel comprising web 2.0 properties, article submissions and blog posts. Multiple smaller link wheels or "sets" are used in combination with breaks in each smaller wheel to provide randomization.

    Link wheel is a widely used internet marketing strategy. The basic idea of link wheels is to create a pattern of links which flow from one website to another which would finally link to a targeted website requiring promotion.
    Link wheels fall under the category of search engine optimization, however, when social media sites are used to create the link flow the link wheel strategy becomes social media marketing. According to experts, link wheels have maximum effectiveness when the social media sites are used.
    See also: blog network.

    Growth and trend change of the link wheels

    Link wheels have been widely used since the spark of the search engine optimization concept which is considered to be in 2002. Back then, the content marketing sites and the article directories were widely used to create the link wheels. Content would be written based on the targeted keywords and published at the content sites. Links would be placed within the content, which would flow from one site to the other. Usually, every published content would carry one link to the adjacent site and one link to the parent website that is being promoted.
    SEO gained huge popularity by 2005-2006 and the link wheels broke the barrier of using the content sites alone. The link wheels were formed with any type of media, including videos, articles, blogs, images and a lot more.
    With the introduction of social media sites and the possibility to post content and gain links in the social media sites, the link wheels were made purely using these social media sites. Due to the viral nature of the social media sites, link wheels framed with them reflected huge effectiveness.[1]
    Link wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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