Scrapebox: Don't limit yourself to English Keywords

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If you are a Scrapebox fan here's a little project you may wish to try. I've been doing this the last 4 months with good results for finding blog pages with decent PR to manually comment on.

The entire process takes about an hour and I usually end up with a good little set of blog pages to comment on with PR3 or better.

1. Go to the front page of a popular newspaper (New York Times for example).
2. Control A, Control C and paste all the text into a Notepad text file
3. Delete all the punctuation, leave the line spacing as is
4. Head over to Google translate and translate from English to some other popular language (I like Portugese and Spanish).
5. Paste the translated words into the Scrapebox keyword harvester
6. Run a harvest session.
7. Dedupe the keyword list, there will be English keywords there, but leave them there anyway
8. Harvest a fresh blog page list
9. Dedupe by url and then check PR
10. Ditch the pages that are less than PR1
11. Use the add-on blog analyzer tool in Scrapebox to see if comments are still open, delete those that are not
12. Export your list for future use
13. Comment away !

If you want to save time you could go to a non-English newspaper and copy, paste and scrape from there.

When you harvest you will find a lot of the blogs will be English, but that's OK, you will also get a smattering of non-English blog pages with decent PR. Some of these are gold.
#english #keywords #limit #scrapebox
  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    I regularly comment on non-English blogs with pretty decent success. There are PLENTY of PR1 or higher posts that have very few, if any comments.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8018756].message }}

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