Will over-posting harm my site?

4 replies
  • SEO
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I post around 3-4 reviews (low-comp) constantly on my site for around 2 weeks. Right now, i am having around 30-40 reviews on my site. Last week, almost all of them were ranked at google page 1. But this week, they are all far beyond page 10 and above. May i know the reason why? Am i posting too much for a day?
#harm #overposting #site
  • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
    I also faced the same issue this morning... I do post consistently just like you do and two of my site stopped getting traffic this morning. How many amazon affiliate link d you place? How many words article do you write? Are they uniquely written?

    My advice is that you should continue your work and dont stop building. You will surely bounce back again, from my experience sure you would. But seems there is a fresh update on the 11th this month.

    Dont worry your site will bounceback but answer all my questions above...
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Will over-posting harm my site?
    All depends,

    If your Index page is setup as a blog & the Index page is the page ranked in the SERPs, constantly changing the on-page text can eventually make your Index page irrelevant to the target keyword.

    The answer to your question isn't a one size fits all answer, it depends on what your doing with the ranked page & internal links.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Pretty sad when we have to worry about harming a site in the Google SERPS by posting "too much" content.

    I'm going to assume that you're simply dancing. As long as you're still indexed I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author lonfore
    well yukon and JS both are quit correct. I just want to add with this that if you build some backlinks to the posts you will experience less dance than now. No need to add backlinks using anchor texts. Just some backlinks to strengthen the pages.
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