Forget Google, go Bing / Yahoo

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Or forget Google, forget Yahoo, go Bing.

I dunno, just asking.

Is it true that Bing and Yahoo really like Exact Match Domains? Any tips on that? Are these rewarded the same?...

Since Google is so fickle, I wonder if anyone has figured out how to make a business work (using SEO) by focusing on Bing and/or Yahoo.

EDIT: I thought Google had about 67% of searches, but this article shows over 95%! But it does point that IOS and Facebook use Bing and the searches aren't properly counted for Bing. --
#bing #forget #google #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
    Originally Posted by livemusic View Post

    Or forget Google, forget Yahoo, go Bing.

    I dunno, just asking.

    Is it true that Bing and Yahoo really like Exact Match Domains? Any tips on that? Are these rewarded the same?...

    Since Google is so fickle, I wonder if anyone has figured out how to make a business work (using SEO) by focusing on Bing and/or Yahoo.

    It's not an either/or scenario.

    Just build you sites properly and use good seo practices and you should rank in both.... Or course if you are really sensible you'll ignore all organic traffic and focus on driving targetted paid traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author curationsoft
    It doesn't matter what search engine sites is the best, as long as you website is search engine optimized, it will rank significantly in all search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author sanusense
    Seriously !! even i believe that we should look upto more than Google thing, since bing took over yahoo it's quite easy to get traffic from both search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author online only
    Google > Bing.

    People know that, that's why the use Google. That's why Googles has so many algorythms to bust manipulators and all the other crap from the SERP.

    I know that OS7 has bing by default, but I still don't care.
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  • Profile picture of the author nest28
    To most people Google is the internet, so I would advise taking Mr. Thompson's advice. Build a well optimized site and you should show up in all major search engine, but I would also concentrate on direct traffic just to ensure you always get visitors no matter what.

    Somewhere watching Power.

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  • Profile picture of the author luckyman2k
    Originally Posted by livemusic View Post

    Or forget Google, forget Yahoo, go Bing.

    I dunno, just asking.

    Is it true that Bing and Yahoo really like Exact Match Domains? Any tips on that? Are these rewarded the same?...

    Since Google is so fickle, I wonder if anyone has figured out how to make a business work (using SEO) by focusing on Bing and/or Yahoo.

    EDIT: I thought Google had about 67% of searches, but this article shows over 95%! But it does point that IOS and Facebook use Bing and the searches aren't properly counted for Bing. -- Why Bing matters more than you think for SEO - SHIFT Communications PR Agency | Boston | New York | San Francisco

    its easy to rank on yahoo and bing. But google will give at least 10 times more traffic.

    I hope it helps

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  • Profile picture of the author PaidAllDay
    In my experience Google has WAY more traffic than Bing / Yahoo. However, it may be easier to get traffic through Bing / Yahoo for both paid and SEO. If you can convert PPC or get a good SEO ranking on Bing it will certainly pay off. If I think about it though, Bing has always been better to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Bing tends to convert a little better for me. Organically & PPC. (Especially PPC.)

    Also, a lot of Bing users are people who bought a computer and never changed their default browser or search engine. Some tend to be a little less "savvy" and, I guess, skeptical when it comes to PPC ads, affiliate marketing, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author livemusic
    So, say a lot of my customers are less savvy types and therefore Bing would give good results for me. What should I do different than just normal SEO? One thing I note is that some people say Bing rewards EMD. ???
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  • Profile picture of the author jinx1221
    Despite whether google delivers better results or not, I am bored to death with google. I hope people switch to Bing. I like the backgrounds. The newest Bing commercial is kind of neat and I hope people catch on to it. It's a matter of habit, I think, that makes it harder for us to switch. The newer people maybe easier to start with and stay with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author nettech4
    I do not think there is much to worry about how Bing is going to rank for a website (info com or Domain name with -). Both Search Engines count the number and quality of backlinks. If you have a website with great content, you will be rewarded. In fact I think Bing or Google doesn't give much weight to Exact Match Domains now. Even if they are giving any importance now, in future they may revoke it.

    It is great if you ping your website sitemap for Bing often after having a change in site URLs.

    You can ensure the indexing in Bing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
    I like to pretend that Bing and Yahoo don't even exist.

    They might as well not exist. But more importantly, it helps you focus on the one big fish that actually does matter: Big G.
    Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
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  • Profile picture of the author movemaker
    Unless a rep from Bing/Yahoo is on the WF and willing to answer this questions your asking a question that will more than likely be an inaccurate answer.

    The best way to figure this out is to do it yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author EZlivin
    Not sure if you guys really have tried to rank in Yahoo and Bing or not but I have and EMD's play a HUGE factor in ranking with them. I started testing out Bing and Yahoo when a bunch of my sites got destroyed in the Google updates. I have several sites ranking on page one of Bing and Yahoo with very little effort. Unfortunately, most of these sites are on pages 3-5 on Google.

    You can test it out for yourself and do it for free. Go to Squidoo create a lens with your keywords in the domain. Optimize the titles and put some content on there. Go to fiver and use the user "crorkservice" he has the best gigs. Not only do I rank them on page one of Bing I can usually rank them #1 on page one. Bing currently has 17% market share but I would rather take that 17% and rank my stuff easier than to focus so much of my time on google. By the way, if you are buying a domain Bing also puts a lot more emphasis on aged domains and gives them a big boost.

    Fellow warriors, keep an eye out for Bing. I think they are going to double their market share within the next 5 years. And please stop making guesses as to what Bing looks for and giving advice for others warriors unless you have actually been down in the trenches and actually ranked stuff on Bing. Thanks and I hope this helps some people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    If you can top both yahoo and bing, that can be handy to get some good traffic other than google.
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  • Profile picture of the author articlesarthors
    Originally Posted by movemaker View Post

    Unless a rep from Bing/Yahoo is on the WF and willing to answer this questions your asking a question that will more than likely be an inaccurate answer.

    The best way to figure this out is to do it yourself.
    Bingo, I don't think anybody here is likely to be 100% accurate in anything they say. Obviously there is a chance that yahoo/bing prefer EM domains, but it really is unlikely to make such a substantial difference.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Although Google might've only 65% of the market it feels like they have 98%.

      If Yahoo/Bing would fall away completely I wouldn't even notice a difference in traffic.
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