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#decide #deciding #google #keyword #keywords #tool
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    You need to look at the EXACT match searches in the tool. You are looking at BROAD match. The actual search volume is much, much lower.

    The 'competition' has NOTHING to do with SEO. That is the level of competition among AdWords buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author afgwarrior
    General Knowledge Facts
    Global Monthly Searches: 1,900
    Local Searches: 390

    General Knowledge Trivia
    Global Monthly Searches: 1,600
    Local Searches: 260
    A local search means people searching for that info in your targeted Country . Now the Search results CTR (Click through rate) breaks down as follow

    #1 - 36%
    #2 - 12%
    #3 - 8%
    #4 - 6%
    #5 - 4% and so on

    Note : It's not the exact data, just result from few sources found online and a rough estimate. It again depends on many factors like Title description relevancy and so on. You/anyone else are free to argue on it i wont respond

    Back to the point, so a 360 per month will bring you around 130 Visitors a month if you are on the first place (YOu will still get some long tail rankings).

    Its upto you to see whether this sounds profitable to you to invest time and resource in SEO now ...

    You can find many related keywords and then rank for them as well and might be profitable as there is no big players on the first page (I am not soo Good in SEO so someone please point if you see a biggie here)
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Don't over-think it. Trust me. You'll get into "paralysis by analysis" mode.

    People will tell you that it's worthless to go after keywords that get a "low" amount of monthly searches. (For some people this number is anything below 1,000.) Personally? I think these people are nuts.

    If it's a buyer oriented keyword, I don't care if it gets 700 searches a month. Those 700 people are specifically looking to buy something. And most of the time these keywords are a lot easier to rank for.

    One more thing, don't worry about the "total" number of sites that rank for a keyword. What's important is the strength of the sites ranking on page 1. And, to a much greater extent, the top 3.

    You'll need to understand how to analyze your competition. Once you've done so it's a lot easier to target keywords and rank sites / pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoace
    This keyword research guide will help newbies like you in keyword research:

    The Hidden Guide To Keyword Research
    Who else needs a SEO Client Dashboard for their SEO services ?
    Let your clients monitor their SEO campaigns (Rankings, Backlinks and Work Done)
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