SEO training for newbie?

12 replies
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I would like to someday start an Internet Marketing/Seo Company. I currently own a small business in Wisconsin but plan on living abroad and looking for a way to supplement my income. In your opinion what is the best way for me to learn SEO/Internet marketing over the next couple years. Any advice on training programs or what you did to learn?
#internet makerting #newbie #seo #training
  • Profile picture of the author GyuMan82
    The best way to learn is by doing.

    Go to Amazon and pick up some books on SEO. Join some internet marketing forums and read up. Then test, test, and test some more.

    Start by building a few websites and experimenting with what works and what doesn't.

    You will only learn SEO by doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nilesh Talaviya
    you should try to get tips and read some SEO tutorials from well-known sites, as you get an clear ideas about latest SEO strategies.

    If you're planning to develop iOS Mobile Application then contact me at with your apps development project detail.

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  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    There are best best resources when it comes to SEO news and updates both for newbies and experts (i.e. among them are Search Engine Land, Moz, Search Engine Journal and Googlewebmastercentral).
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  • Profile picture of the author shakil58
    take some training via some of best tutorials. and learn how to build quality back links?. you know maybe, back links is part of SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author johnsmith789
    The best way is to learn SEO is to start implementing it.Reading news and books will help you some extent but it will not give you practical experience.
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    • Profile picture of the author directimports3
      Thanks everyone. I am very new to this game. I just started my own site and I have been really learning a lot. I guess my future goals are just to learn as much as possible and some day be able to make a living doing it. I wanted to specialize in SEO because it really sparks my interest on how you can get a foot ahead on your competition and move up the ranks in google and other search engines by knowing this skill. Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    I think there are so many sources out there that can give you a "head start" to train yourself in SEO. Just go over the SEO forums, blogs, etc., to know more from basic SEO to advanced SEO. After that, implement and take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author A S M
    Whole bunch of free guides around that are really good. Check out MOZ for example .... once you read all those you'll be fine. .. Grasping the idea of SEO is easy ... learning how to do SEO and taking into consideration all the technical matters, require time,lots of reading and experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimmyvanilla
    Originally Posted by directimports3 View Post

    In your opinion what is the best way for me to learn SEO/Internet marketing over the next couple years.
    Learning comes in several forms: knowledge, skills, behavior, values, preferences...

    Ultimately THE best way you'll learn anything in a way that will lead to success is to EMULATE someone who is successful in a way you'd like to be.

    You might not know who that is, or what they do, or how they do it... yet.

    Be patient.

    If you're new to the game, put your head down. Read everything and take notice of people who you connect with. If you find one marketer/guru/blog/forum/etc 'speaking' to you then start practicing what they preach. Try to recreate what they've done. See if they will mentor you.

    The thing is, as you start copying someone else's journey you're also going to find your own because even though you'll be doing what someone else does in the beginning, you're involved, so you'll shine through.

    When your confidence grows, you can start taking things in your own direction and start mentoring other people. That's when you'll really start to learn!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hrkjds
    Keep on reading everything about seo you get to read..Make a blog or small site, and try to implement on it whatever you have learned..It will be best for you to learn..
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    • Profile picture of the author mohitha
      we can read articles about seo....but we have to get practical knowledge about the seo.i am having 6 months experience but i want to learn more about seo so many updates is there to study...

      i want to go to abroad is it possible to go?
      my native is chennai from india
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  • Profile picture of the author andishm
    Originally Posted by directimports3 View Post

    I would like to someday start an Internet Marketing/Seo Company. I currently own a small business in Wisconsin but plan on living abroad and looking for a way to supplement my income. In your opinion what is the best way for me to learn SEO/Internet marketing over the next couple years. Any advice on training programs or what you did to learn?
    I am a big fan of Alex Becker one of million dollar SEO business person
    He have a very affordable course at SEO Omega
    if you want you can give it a try with few cups of coffees and will worth time and money both i believe my personal view only...
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