Google Pagerank System Is "Broken" LOL

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Why No PageRank Update? The "Pipeline" Is Broke & Google Isn't Interested In Fixing It
#broken #bye #cutts #google #lol #matt #page #pagerank #rank #system
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Which means if it malfunctions or even gives inaccurate readings they don't give a rip. Article questions why they don't just kill it. I'm beginning to think they know the other metrics from Moz and Majestic are up to the task. Keep it around for awhile longer and mess with what people think the numbers mean.

    I'm loving it though. In domain buying there are some steals because tools and a lot of buyers can't wean themselves off Pagerank even when its a year off in accuracy.

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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! WHy can't you people actually quote what was said or

    "Speaking at Pubcon today, Cutts explained that the “pipeline” to send PageRank updates to the toolbar is broken."

    Notice the title of this thread is:

    "Google Pagerank System Is "Broken" LOL"

    Notice anything different?

    The PageRank toolbar is dead. Has been for a long time, just people did
    not realize that. Well, some of did know that the PR on the toolbar was
    at best, 6 months behind the real PR. So, anyone who touted the
    toolbar PR was behind the times in the first place.

    But notice PageRank is neither broken nor dead? ROTFLMAO! I can't
    understand why you people cannot actually get the real quotes!

    Now let's actually quote something that matters. Hope you all
    read this:

    Cutts also stressed that PageRank is constantly updated for its internal use for ranking pages. It’s just that the outside world doesn’t know about how things have changed in a prompt and consistent manner.

    Now, pray tell, where is the PR dead? Broken?

    If your SEO guru constantly misquotes google, then what does that say about them?


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638452].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      Notice the title of this thread is:

      "Google Pagerank System Is "Broken" LOL"

      Notice anything different?
      Yeah...I notice your objections are getting even sillier. The toolbar was part of the system that was displayed to the public. Since there is a glitch in it then yes its entirely within bounds to say the system is broken.

      Whenever a part of a system is broken its perfectly legit to say the system is broken because a system entails all of its parts. Really Paul. All your semantics arguments are falling flat - thread after thread.

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      • Profile picture of the author FranksToys
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        Yeah...I notice your objections are getting even sillier. The toolbar was part of the system that was displayed to the public. Since there is a glitch in it then yes its entirely within bounds to say the system is broken.

        Whenever a part of a system is broken its perfectly legit to say the system is broken because a system entails all of its parts. Really Paul. All your semantics arguments are falling flat - thread after thread.
        Falling flat? His arguments have been flat since he's been on WF.

        I wish that weren't the case and this thread didn't turn into an argument like that but a lot of what Paul says is inaccurate and obviously disconnected from the SEO reality. It's unfortunate too because a lot of people probably rely on his info.
        "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this - that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
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    • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! WHy can't you people actually quote what was said or

      "Speaking at Pubcon today, Cutts explained that the "pipeline" to send PageRank updates to the toolbar is broken."

      Notice the title of this thread is:

      "Google Pagerank System Is "Broken" LOL"

      Notice anything different?
      I put broken in parenthesis because that could mean anything but usually refers to physical objects. My toy car is broken because one of the wheels fell off.

      What's a "pipeline"?

      Matt Cutts is the head of the spam prevention team so he probably doesnt know exactly what is going on so he uses the phrase "pipeline" unless a pipeline is now used as an actual software application instead of a pipe under the ground.

      all in all, something on G's end is not working right with PR and it's either part of the reason or the whole reason why there are not any updates.

      Just so you know I am not one of these anti-PR types I just acknowledge that something, one way or another, is not right with G's PR system.

      I can see why people obsess over PR. Anything as simple as a 1-10 scale for grading will be easy for people to understand. The higher the number=the better (many think so even though this doesn't equate to dollars and cents)
      A crappy product or service by people that disappear from the forum for a long period of time to make it look like they were working on something so when they come back you will want to click on their crappy product or service link

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638713].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        Toolbar PageRank has nothing to do with PageRank.

        The fact that people no longer need nor want to install toolbars,
        is not a PageRank problem. Toolbars are dinosaurs...

        Now, if I manufacture TV tubes, and nobody uses them, that
        has nothing to do with the fact that Tvs are alive and well.

        I would never say that TV tubes are dead, so TVs are dead.

        Nothing with PageRank is neither broken nor dead.

        But, sigh, you still refuse to actually QUOTE google!

        Misleading title, misleading "facts."

        8mm movies are dead. No longer supported. I suppose that
        means the whole movie making process is broken.

        I suppose you are still using your 8 track player, and claiming
        the music industry does not support it, so....the music
        industry is dead.

        Popular music is broken because putting music on 8 tracks is
        no longer done.



        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8638759].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post


          Popular music is broken because putting music on 8 tracks is
          no longer done.


          Hey Paul. When the speakers on your computer no longer work and will never be fixed has the sound "gone away" from it? or do you imagine that you can still hear it because Cutts own still works. ROFL

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        • Profile picture of the author HeadStartSEO
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          Toolbar PageRank has nothing to do with PageRank.

          The fact that people no longer need nor want to install toolbars,
          is not a PageRank problem. Toolbars are dinosaurs...

          Now, if I manufacture TV tubes, and nobody uses them, that
          has nothing to do with the fact that Tvs are alive and well.

          I would never say that TV tubes are dead, so TVs are dead.

          Nothing with PageRank is neither broken nor dead.

          But, sigh, you still refuse to actually QUOTE google!

          How To Calculate Toolbar PageRank (tbPR):

          How to calculate real PageRank (PR)
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  • Profile picture of the author jinx1221

    Sorry guys, just creating a diversion in hopes it'll break up another long winded argument

    The Ultimate Private Network Management,
    Visualization and Automation Tool

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    Diversion attempt 2.0

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  • Profile picture of the author kylenelson24
    Goodbye, Google PageRank Data: Maybe Just for Now, But More Likely Forever - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

    What do most of you think will be the future of SEO and the importance of pagerank?

    It is a battle to keep up with seo and google updates.

    I still think content is king and google will continue to pay attention to quality and natural links and content.

    All Services Provided by
    Kyle Nelson

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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Why is this myth still around? How many more threads on this???

      Why not read what you actually wrote?

      "Matt Cutts BYE BYE Page Rank"

      Now read the title of your link:

      "Goodbye, Google PageRank Data"

      See a BIG difference? Toolbar is going away. Toolbars have become
      extinct. Google ditching the toolbar and not letting YOU see timely
      PR data, is NOT, and I repeat, NOT saying goodbye to PageRank.

      "so while the PageRank data internally continues to update as it should, webmasters hoping to get a fresh look at PageRank data are out of luck.

      Anyone relying on toolbar PR was out of date anyway. Always been the case.

      The toolbar is dead. But PageRank is not.

      Get a grip people. At least read the stuff:

      "While Google continues to update the algorithm and penalize sites, webmasters can’t use it to spot check if a site has been penalized..."

      They never could all PR checkers were never giving true up to the minute PR.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640805].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        LOL.....heeere we go again!

        Hey Paul did you even readthe article? Its a follow up to this

        Is Google Getting Ready to Retire PageRank? - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

        Like the title? (retire pagerank)

        Have fun arguing with Searcheginewatch as well

        FACT: Pageank gone bye bye/gone away/dead to the public if the public can no longer measure it

        Remember to take your blood pressure medicine today.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640835].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          I can't drink in public in many cases.....does that mean
          drinking has gone away and is dead?

          I can't for the life of me figure out why people cannot put
          the whole thing there, instead of half.

          PageRank data being revealed in a timely manner to the
          public by no means is the same as PageRank being retired,
          dead, going away, or any other such rot.

          But, loook for mroe threads of the same old same old line
          that makes no sense.

          People can no longer get Social Security checks through the mail.
          Did people stop getting Social Security money?

          People will no longer see timely PR data via the toolbar.
          Does that mean PR is going away? Of course not.

          Keep on misquoting. You people rock!


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640928].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

            I can't drink in public in many cases.....does that mean
            drinking has gone away and is dead?
            No because you can still access drinks somewhere :rolleyes: . Sheesh. THINK!!! lol

            People can no longer get Social Security checks through the mail.
            Did people stop getting Social Security money?
            No they can still access the funds if they couldn't IN ANY WAY then Yes we would right fully say Social security was going away. Again THINK!!!

            People will no longer see timely PR data via the toolbar.
            Does that mean PR is going away? Of course not.
            To everyone else but Google YES of courses - as a metric (which it has always been in addition to being an algo factor).

            Where in tarnation did you guys learn English???

            When someone is "going away" and you tell them goodbye at the airport are they not going away because they are now on a plane leaving you???

            "Going away" does NOT mean does not exist. Going way is in relation to a position. From the public position if they cannot access pagerank metrics they ARE going away as a metric.


            Keep on misquoting. You people rock!

            keep on ranting on semantics that you do not even understand.

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    • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
      As paul said, most of the articles i have read so far talk about the toolbar update. Pagerank is constantly changing, and is still a/effecting (sp?) ranking etc, but we just maybe wont get to see what our actual pagerank is from now on. It clearly says that!

      im not really sure what the whole "pipline broken" statement is about, anyone want to make some sense of that to me?
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      • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
        Why does this PaulGL guy think that if the public doesnt have access to PR data that doesn't mean it's dead.

        A crappy product or service by people that disappear from the forum for a long period of time to make it look like they were working on something so when they come back you will want to click on their crappy product or service link

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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by hipeopo02 View Post

          Why does this PaulGL guy think that if the public doesnt have access to PR data that doesn't mean it's dead.
          Maybe because links still rank pages today?

          If links rank pages, then backlink pages have to have authority.

          I seriously doubt Google dropped PR from their algo.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641158].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by yukon View Post

            Maybe because links still rank pages today?

            If links rank pages, then backlink pages have to have authority.

            I seriously doubt Google dropped PR from their algo.
            And I don't know ANYONE who thinks that they are internally. Every one of these threads has been talking abut the public access to pagerank. That is from the publics standpoint Pagerank will be a meaningless factor. It will go to a totally unknown and as such it will go away from the public.

            paul and others are like English major geeks a few decades ago lecturing that the word "cool" is technically a reference to tenperature in order to look smart even though everyone knew that. Only in this case its even sillier because "go away" has never meant no longer exists,

            Originally Posted by seonutshell View Post

            So you cant measure it? Who cares. Doesn't mean its gone. DUH
            lol...of course it does if you are not using "gone" the same as "exists",. gone merely means to move away. IF you take the last existing measuring tape and put it in a museum in a vault, are measuring tapes not gone from public use?

            You need to all stop being so silly. Heres a solution

            Go a get a date.

            Its Friday. Find a woman. It will stop all the whining over semantics. If its late and you don't have one where you are then there has to be bar open somewhere. If not then call 911. However or whatever you must....Go forth and hook up.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641393].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seonutshell
          Originally Posted by hipeopo02 View Post

          Why does this PaulGL guy think that if the public doesnt have access to PR data that doesn't mean it's dead.

          So you cant measure it? Who cares. Doesnt mean its gone. DUH
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    • Profile picture of the author ronrule
      They've been saying since 07 that PageRank will be going away. It's still the single most important factor in SEO, the Minister of Propaganda continues to publicly denounce its value so people stop making PR-based decisions and gaming Google.

      Ron Rule

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      • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
        Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

        They've been saying since 07 that PageRank will be going away. It's still the single most important factor in SEO

        Important? to who?


        what good is data you can't see?

        Please explain how PR is useful to internet marketers/SEO'rs

        If it can't be used anymore then it's "dead" to me even if it is still used by G.
        A crappy product or service by people that disappear from the forum for a long period of time to make it look like they were working on something so when they come back you will want to click on their crappy product or service link

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641379].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
          Originally Posted by hipeopo02 View Post

          what good is data you can't see?

          Please explain how PR is useful to internet marketers/SEO'rs

          If it can't be used anymore then it's "dead" to me even if it is still used by G.
          Heres the kicker of how accurate it is to say pagerank is going away. If google turns off the toolbar next year and even five years from now stops using pagerank all together what will change for the public?

          Nada. ZIP. Goose egg. nothing because turning off a metric so that no one can measure it is the same as that metric going away completely to the public. They will never know if Google stops using pagerank internally even next year because the ability to know anything about it is gone.

          So yes if the toolbar is turned off its completely legit to say that pagerank is goign away. its a metric that no longer can be a metric to the public because it will not longer be able to measured by them at any time.

          Why this is so freaking hard for them to understand I have no idea

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          • Profile picture of the author hipeopo02
            Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

            Why this is so freaking hard for them to understand I have no idea
            Give it about a month when all the threads on pagerank die out across IM boards everywhere. If you can't see your pagerank then you aren't going to talk about it in any useful sense lol.

            ...Then they will understand.
            A crappy product or service by people that disappear from the forum for a long period of time to make it look like they were working on something so when they come back you will want to click on their crappy product or service link

            CLICK HERE! LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author tech84
      Hard to imagine they would kill the toolbar pagerank that easily, they updated it last year 4 times and this year last February.

      Saying something broke in the pipelines is just a lazy excuse for something else.
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    • Profile picture of the author FranksToys
      So Google kills the toolbar pagerank.

      There will be another metric to replace it. Hoepfully not moz pageauthority domainauthority though. I really hate their crappy products.
      "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this - that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641593].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by FranksToys View Post

        So Google kills the toolbar pagerank.

        There will be another metric to replace it. Hoepfully not moz pageauthority domainauthority though. I really hate their crappy products.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by FranksToys View Post

        There will be another metric to replace it. Hoepfully not moz pageauthority domainauthority though. I really hate their crappy products.

        Too late....Moz metrics are pretty much go to now among professional SEOs and SEO tool makers. They ae fine but some people here just don't know how to use them.

        Controversial articles with contradictory or even misleading information are always going to be popular in the 'world of SEO' because people get bored of writing and hearing the same old thing. And, so they create these fictions
        I'm sorry man I know you will hate me for it but I got to say - I don't know how you can write that with a straight face while pushing what others would say is millionaire overnight misleading information stuff . Its always easy to point at the other guy or industry.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8641850].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lokahi
      Controversial articles with contradictory or even misleading information are always going to be popular in the 'world of SEO' because people get bored of writing and hearing the same old thing. And, so they create these fictions and others are happy to keep spreading the gossip just to have something new to talk about.
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