Google is unleashing animals left & right on "suspecting" Internet Marketers
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I call everyone who has been affected by the latest Hummingbird a "suspecting" Internet Marketer because they all new it was coming. It's common knowledge that anything less than pure white hat will be affected by whatever animal, bird or fish that the big G chooses to unleash.
The question then becomes why? Why do Internet marketers continue to put themselves in harm's way when they know exactly what will happen when the sheriff eventually rolls into town? (he might delay but everyone knows he's coming)
Would anyone knowingly build their houses on quick sand? Would a sane person knowingly swallow slow-killing poison (unless they are suicidal in the first place?)
If not, why would anyone use any strategy that is likely to get penalized by Google (especially if they are relying on Google to build and grow a business)?
Or is the big G just bullying unsuspecting Internet Marketers and unleashing its animal farm to show us who's boss?
Any insights dear Internet marketers?
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