adsense needed!

5 replies
  • SEO
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i've got my blog on for almost three months now and have not made up to $3 from the blogsite. i use a free blog. what may have been the problem or is there somethings that i am missing out? i post almost daily on the blog and still crawler has not crawled in. please help me on what to do.
#adsense #needed #profitshelp
  • Profile picture of the author Bebani
    The number 1 thing you should ask yourself is: Are you getting visitors to your blog? If so what is your niche some clicks are worth 0.03 and others 3 dollars or 30 dollars. Are you showing text or image ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Did you do keyword research first, or are you just writing whatever crosses your mind in your blog posts? This is critical because if you don't write posts using keywords that actually get searched at Google pretty often, then you simply will not get much traffic, especially at first. So, that's step 1.

    Step 2 is to go out and get links pointing back to your blog using keyword anchor text. If you want your blog to rank high at Google whenever someone searches for the phrase "Nigerian history" then you want links pointing to your homepage using anchor text that says Nigerian history.

    Do both of those things and your blog will start to get search engine traffic. It may take awhile, but that's the recipe.

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  • Profile picture of the author ripsnorta2
    You should also make sure you are following Googles policies for websites showing adsense. They've recently made changes to their privacy policy requirements. If you're not conforming you could be being 'smart priced.'
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