Are Keyword Tools Accurate?

5 replies
  • SEO
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I have doing some keyword research using Google Keyword Planner, Bing Keyword Tool and and some of the search results are very surprising.

For example if I type in "Internet Marketing" into each of the three keyword tools I get the following:

Google - 18,100 (High Competition)
Bing - 160,610
Wordtracker - 587,076.

Firstly I would have thought that search phrase would have been through the roof! Only 18,100 searches on google? Are keyword tools still accurate?

Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated and if you could recommend any other keyword tools that are really good that would excellent.

Kind regards
#accurate #keyword #tools
  • Profile picture of the author mgsmith
    Have you checked the search settings? I have experienced that too, but I just stick with google as of now. Still searching for a good keyword tool.


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  • Profile picture of the author wbakhos
    Can you confirm whether you meant to put it in 'phrase match' by putting quotations " " around your word? Its possible Google read it as a phrase match and the others broad?
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  • Profile picture of the author klarahansson
    Well, I think every tool has their limit, so people should make sense and concentrate on their keyword research industry. You can also use ubersuggest after that use keyword planner tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVH
    Different keyword tools measure keyword demand over different periods of time as well.

    For instance, Wordtracker gives you the number of times a given keyword appears in their database over a period of a year, unless I'm mistaken. So that number is not directly comparable to what is given by others.

    And of course the raw input data into each tool is totally different.

    It is best to take these numbers as mere estimates. The numbers are useful when you are comparing two or more keywords - you can get a relative measure of how popular they are. Even if the absolute numbers are not really accurate.

    Hope that helps!

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