3 replies
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Does anyone have experience with having Yelp reviews removed? I believe they were removed because they were thought to be fake, but the problem is that they weren't fake. Now most of the reviews are negative, and that's not indicative of how the business operates.

I've tried to contact Yelp through its form twice with no response. The phone number does allow me to contact customer service.

Any ideas where I can go with this?
#removed #reviews #yelp
  • Profile picture of the author DanielCart
    there is not much you can do, besides trying to de-rank that review page and asking clients to post their reviews on another site which is a similar authority site.
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  • Profile picture of the author anthmyers
    They have been a royal pain in the ass for us.

    Our real positive reviews get filtered.

    Some of the fake negative reviews from competitors make it through.

    We even paid the insane monthly fee to get personal attention from yelp and they basically told us this was how their automatic algorithm works and they cannot do anything to change what gets filtered and what doesn't.

    Yelp has a ridiculously high authority and receives a bit too much love from Google, in my opinion. So knocking it on to page #2 or #3 permanently is going to be hard/not likely.

    What I'd try to do is at least knock it below the fold/near the bottom of page #1.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcelinaWrites
    You're absolutely right. I wonder if another solution would be to just start sending customers to Yelp to leave reviews. Maybe the ones with history will have reviews that will stick... That way you can build up the positive reviews to replace the ones deleted.

    It almost seems impossible to knock Yelp off the #1 place... Any ideas on how to do that?
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