I got a lot of indexed soft 404 pages they actually don't exist

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  • SEO
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Hi to all!

I just saw in my WMT that i have a lot of indexed soft 404 pages. They all starts with mysite.com/**index.php/somepage.**. The problem is that i don't have not a single page starts with index.php.

Can someone explain me:
1. Why is those soft 404 pages generated at all when i don't have index.php part on my site?
2. Now the thing that worries me is that i have for example 700 soft 404 pages, and after some time i have 300 and i didn't change anything.
3. Are they harmful for my site?
4. Can this be fixed in using some rewrite rule in Apache to prevent them for been indexed at all?

In my Apache file i have some redirection rules for same pages, but
#404 #don’t #exist #indexed #lot #pages #soft
  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    Not sure how Googlebot picks these up, they might be autosaves or whatnot.

    Best way to remove them is in your Webmaster Tools admin

    Go to: Google Index > Remove URLS > Create removal request

    Bung in a URL, hit continue

    Unfortunately you can only do one at a time, (have suggested to Auntie G they allow bulk uploads for this purpose.. yeah right like they are going to take any notice of me :-)

    First copy the 404's into notepad

    If you have a lot to do it's best to have to Windows open side-by-side and use Ctrl + x first in notepad to copy cut and then Ctrl + v to paste into the removal request box.

    If you get bored doing hundreds spread it over a few days.
    Usually takes a couple of days for the errors to be cleared.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8933932].message }}

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