Does number keywords in Adgroup affect Quality Score?

4 replies
  • SEO
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Does anyone know if the number of Keywords you put in your Adgroup affect your Quality Score in Google Ad Words and Yahoo Search Marketing?

I heard that if you put more than 200 keywords in one adgroup this decreases your quality score

Would like some clarification.
#adgroup #affect #keywords #number #quality #score
  • Profile picture of the author Brian_Mahaffey
    No one knows the alogrithim for sure, but big messy accounts wont help you. If you do start out with a lot of keywords just remember to prune the ones that are not performing (that is delete them). A tuned account will help your Quality Score. So ones that are not getting impressions or not engouh impressions and the ones that are not getting sales or bad CTR's delete

    If you are talking about 200 keywords per adgroup then I would say it will be hard to have a good quality score for that. You need tightly themed adgroups and keywords. The tightest is one keyword per adgroup although that can be overkill at times.

    Test under 200 keywords for the start of a campaign and branch out from there. These 200 keywords would be in tightly themed adgroups relating to the add. Then the pruning would start after that.

    It is best to start out with under 200 kws per campaign to test then once profitable expand.
    So once you expand keep pruning out the bad ones and this will sort out the quality score.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Ang
    IMHO , i believe that quality score takes into consideration the relevancy of your Keywords to your Ad and to your landing page. So having 200 keywords in a group will make it harder to achieve high levels of relevancy.

    I usually would only use at most 5 very similar keywords in each keyword group , eg. work from home, work from home moms , work from home mothers , work from home opportunities , work from home opportunity.

    Then I would structure my Ad in a way where the Ad title will include the main keyword "work from home" and Ad description to re iterate the words moms, opportunity , etc .

    The more keywords you have in a keyword group makes it harder to achieve such relevancy levels which i think is one important factor to achieve higher quality scores
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucid
    Brian is right. Lots of keywords in a group are harder to manage. Harder to get higher QS for each keyword as well as Jay points out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    your click thru rate is one of the most important factors in getting preferential treatment by google. Having multiple keywords in one adgroup will kill your CTR. You should have 1 keyword per adgroup.
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