Adsense removed 3 of my sites for serving ads

3 replies
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Hi all,

I got 3 emails telling me that ad serving has been disabled for 3 of my websites. It does not give me a clear reason why this has happened and tells me that I can appeal.

However when I click appeal, it tells me I have no disapproved websites. Yet when I go on my websites, my adsense ads have stopped appearing.

As I am new to adsense they don't provide support until you make over $25 a week over a given period of time.

If I can't contact them, how am I supposed to resolve this issue?

#ads #adsense #removed #serving #sites
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Maybe it takes sometime for the system to have the same information. For eg. when you create a new website, it requires time before you can see it properly - not always of course. It may work later.
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  • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
    You could try getting some help through their adsense community forum - I think this is the link -!forum/en

    In the meantime go through their rules with a toothcomb. You must have fallen foul of one of their rules somewhere. It might be something simple like too many ad blocks on the page. They haven't banned you, so it doesn't sound like a major issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author coolseek
    Originally Posted by saxguru View Post

    Hi all,

    I got 3 emails telling me that ad serving has been disabled for 3 of my websites. It does not give me a clear reason why this has happened and tells me that I can appeal.

    However when I click appeal, it tells me I have no disapproved websites. Yet when I go on my websites, my adsense ads have stopped appearing.

    As I am new to adsense they don't provide support until you make over $25 a week over a given period of time.

    If I can't contact them, how am I supposed to resolve this issue?

    You are probably looking at the wrong place. If ads have been disables, click on the particular message in your adsense account, and you would be able to appeal... But no need to appeal, because the chance of you getting ads restored to the site is slim. I am in also like you, I have like 4 sites disabled within 3 months. The last site that was disable on friday, 14th February, I put some affiliate links and I have made some money. It has given a new niche to get into.
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