Google Sandbox - How to Get Out!

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This has never been a problem for me up until now and ive found myself in the sandbox for the last week or so since i made my new site.

Now my intial reaction is to build some web 2.0 sites and link to my site as well as more backlinks too.

However im unsure of what will be the quickest and best method!

As soon as i am out of the sandbox my site should be ranking in the top 5 if not 1st for its keyphrase and my squidoo lense is already ranking alot higher even with no backlinks and being less than 48 hours old. It's crazy!

So any past experience or advice you could give would be great and i sure as hell hope i don't end up falling victim to it any time soon again!

Tom Brite
#google #sandbox
  • Profile picture of the author anth.elias
    One week is not that long to wait, although I have seen some sites get index in just a few hours, but really if you are focusing on keyword ranking your going to have to give your site just some time, but nonetheless backlinks-forums like this one, other blogs, social networking sites, Yahoo answers, that will get you index fast, but you will need to some work on your targeted keywords to rank well, and off course article submission preferably EZA.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
      Originally Posted by anth.elias View Post

      One week is not that long to wait, although I have seen some sites get index in just a few hours, but really if you are focusing on keyword ranking your going to have to give your site just some time, but nonetheless backlinks-forums like this one, other blogs, social networking sites, Yahoo answers, that will get you index fast, but you will need to some work on your targeted keywords to rank well, and off course article submission preferably EZA.
      Ive done most of these things!

      I am indexed and i use a technique that gets all my sites indexed in under an hour...

      Im just ranking very low now, maybe i used the wrong phrase but im sure the sandbox still means you are indexed but just not ranking where you should be!

      It's been a long day!

      Tom Brite
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  • Profile picture of the author raylm123
    I don't think his problem is getting indexed, it's getting sandboxed. Two different things.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what you do to get out. I had one of my sites sandboxed once and I just kept building links. I was sandboxed for three months! But I have no idea if it was the link building that got me out or just some change in the Google algorithm.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
      Originally Posted by raylm123 View Post

      I don't think his problem is getting indexed, it's getting sandboxed. Two different things.

      Unfortunately, I don't know what you do to get out. I had one of my sites sandboxed once and I just kept building links. I was sandboxed for three months! But I have no idea if it was the link building that got me out or just some change in the Google algorithm.
      Damn 3 months is a long time....especially when it means less money!

      Im going to be making web 2.0 sites and articles etc that will be dominating other keyphrases and may even aim for my main one too and then just wait out the time before my main site gets top rankings but still its very annoying to say the least!

      Tom Brite
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    • Profile picture of the author pts123
      Originally Posted by raylm123 View Post

      I don't think his problem is getting indexed, it's getting sandboxed. Two different things.

      Unfortunately, I don't know what you do to get out. I had one of my sites sandboxed once and I just kept building links. I was sandboxed for three months! But I have no idea if it was the link building that got me out or just some change in the Google algorithm.
      You know what ? IMO Nobody really knows why things happen the way they do on google...

      I have 4 sites that I have put up since jan 09...These were my very first sites...

      and I can tell you that every one of them started to do well at first, I was driving approx 30 hits a day on each site from google alone in the first 4-6 weeks

      Then suddenly my traffic started to die off...I couldn't understand why...anyway, thus putting me in the pursuit to find out what happened..

      I went on Google webmaster forums, There are actual Google employees answering questions , I mean if anybody knows anything, it will be from those people right ? .

      Let me tell you , everybody had a different opinion about why my sites weren't doing well, so off I went trying to learn to do all the things that they suggested ( If I could actually figure them out ), and I still can't actually tell which one of these things is actually helping my sites.

      My sites go up and down in regards to daily traffic all the time so when I actually start thinking that maybe some of the things that I've done is actually helping, my sites traffic suddenly tanks again....what gives ?

      As I look at it, its just mysterious ways of Google, and many people will have all sorts of theories as to why things happen.

      In the end we all have to draw our own conclusions, try to learn as much as possible and just do the best that we can...

      I felt like ranting a bit...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    What makes you think your site is "sandboxed"?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[892791].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    Are you convinced that this mythical "sandbox" actually exists?
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
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    • Profile picture of the author anth.elias
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

      Are you convinced that this mythical "sandbox" actually exists?
      It depends the best answer is yes and no, there are sites that will sit in the sandbox for months, but Hollywood can put up a site and it's index and on the first page in just a few hours. If you are just a regular Joe then backlinks is your answer and off course content fresh original content, maybe mixing just a little RSS feeds-but the main ingredient backlinks with anchor text and content, do that then start on your next site or niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
        Originally Posted by anth.elias View Post

        It depends the best answer is yes and no
        Like the mythical "duplicate content penalty" much of what has been ascribed to the so-called Google sandbox is mere speculation, misinterpretation, and a general lack of understanding about how Google operates.

        Too many people are too quick to say "my site got sandboxed" when it really isn't the case, just poor perception and bad assumptions.
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[892959].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author anth.elias
          Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post

          Like the mythical "duplicate content penalty" much of what has been ascribed to the so-called Google sandbox is mere speculation, misinterpretation, and a general lack of understanding about how Google operates.

          Too many people are too quick to say "my site got sandboxed" when it really isn't the case, just poor perception and bad assumptions.

          Not a myth, back way back when duplicate content was major problem for SE's, but they got smart and the websites that practicing "duplicate" content had to change there ways, so it's not a myth it's real but you have to understand what duplicate really means.
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          • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
            Originally Posted by anth.elias View Post

            Not a myth, back way back when duplicate content was major problem for SE's, but they got smart and the websites that practicing "duplicate" content had to change there ways, so it's not a myth it's real but you have to understand what duplicate really means.
            I refer to it as a "myth" in the way that most people (erroneously) think that it works. And it's also incorrect to call it a penalty, because a penalty implies intentional and willful punishment for a wrong doing.
            Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
    Okay the sandbox does exist ive seen many people test the theory but whatever you want to call it it still isnt the nicest of things!

    Anyhow since creating a squidoo lense and also a hubpage my rankings are now 49th which is a bit better. Not really sure how much further it will increase but im working slowly at it for now.

    Tom Brite
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  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    This sounds more like the Google dance than being sandboxed... google is just trying to find the best position for your site.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
      Originally Posted by CBSnooper View Post

      This sounds more like the Google dance than being sandboxed... google is just trying to find the best position for your site.
      Okay but ive never had this problem to this extreme. Especially when my site is fully SEO optimized and i have better and more backlinks than all of my competitors. The only downfall is my site is new.

      Tom Brite
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      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        I know a lot of warriors preach google. Same here.
        But getting sandboxed, bulldozed, deep-sixed-whatever
        you call it may be a blessing in disguise. It may make you
        work harder at getting other types of traffic that actually
        may payoff in the end. Not saying google is not worth it.
        Just making a comment that if you can't get traffic one
        way, get it another way. And working your butt off getting
        that traffic may blow the sand away.


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[895261].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
          Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

          I know a lot of warriors preach google. Same here.
          But getting sandboxed, bulldozed, deep-sixed-whatever
          you call it may be a blessing in disguise. It may make you
          work harder at getting other types of traffic that actually
          may payoff in the end. Not saying google is not worth it.
          Just making a comment that if you can't get traffic one
          way, get it another way. And working your butt off getting
          that traffic may blow the sand away.

          Cheers for that and your right!

          Since the penalty or whatever i have actually worked harder at getting more traffic from other methods to my site. Although still i would love to get the organic google traffic to my site like i did in its first week.

          Tom Brite
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          • Profile picture of the author debra
            You can force googles hand by broadening your market reach.

            An example would be to use backlinking from major news media. Like your online newspapers and web based tv stations.
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            • Profile picture of the author Saidar

              Are you sure your site didn't receive the initial boost because it was new? The "Query Deserves Freshness" or whatever google calls it may be why your site was indexed on the first page and then dropped to nr. 60.

              All I can say is wait it out, there is nothing else that you can do about it instead of improving your site and building good quality links.
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              • Profile picture of the author The Expert
                It's currently accepted in the SEO circles that the three ingredients to getting out of the sandbox are relevant content, backlinks, and time.

                Relevant Content - do some keyword research and find out which keywords are related to yours (start with Google's internal Wonder Wheel) and make sure you have some pages dedicated to those topics. Use Market Samurai or another tool to find other related keywords and work those into content on your site.

                Google expects to see certain things in relation to your keyword in order to stand legit in your give it what it wants.

                Backlinks - there are a billion posts here about getting these. Get a ton of low-quality ones and fair amount of higher quality links. I'm fond of social bookmarking and article links for low quality-high volume and Angela's backlinks for high-quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author neslo1963
    You need to do nothing for 3 Months. Any you will rank like before
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