13 replies
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hey guys,

Im trying to customize my theme as much as possible, having the title tag as the h1 kind of screws with my design so i just use CSS to hide the on all of my pages.

I then put the same phrase inside a < a > < / a > tag and customize that to fit the layout i want.

Is this a dumb move on my part?
#question #tag
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Kind crazy, actually. But WP is ripe for crazy decisions.

    Here's a thought. make shorter titles.

    Here's more thoughts:

    Change them to h2, h3,....strong, or bold.
    Get a better theme.
    Ditch wordpress, if that's what you are using.
    Get a better CMS or handcode.

    Just tweak the design. Why use a sledgehammer? Cuz if your "theme"
    can't handle an h1 without messing the layout up, change the layout.

    I don't know what you would be trying to do with an <a> tag like that.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9313982].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dr los3
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      Kind crazy, actually. But WP is ripe for crazy decisions.

      Here's a thought. make shorter titles.

      Here's more thoughts:

      Change them to h2, h3,....strong, or bold.
      Get a better theme.
      Ditch wordpress, if that's what you are using.
      Get a better CMS or handcode.

      Just tweak the design. Why use a sledgehammer? Cuz if your "theme"
      can't handle an h1 without messing the layout up, change the layout.

      I don't know what you would be trying to do with an <a> tag like that.

      Its not that theme cannot handle an h1..its that it pulls the title of the post, and puts into into a h1 tag with a class already assigned to it. So i cannot use css to change that since it'll change across every post i have.

      Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

      Yeah, it's kind of a dumb move. Sometimes you can't help it - there's sites that just can't have the traditional title above main content. However, you can try to mark some part of content as h1, and just style it to fit whatever you're dealing with.

      For example, I've had to use a part of sidebar navigation as h1 on one particular site. Hardly ideal, but probably better than nothing.
      It does place it right at the top, my issue is just that i cannot use css to change the style of it since its put into a class and changing that class wouldn't fit on all of my posts. so i just use CSS to hide that h1 tag.

      Then i place the same phrase title inside of a < a class=reviewtitle > < / a > tag, and then use css to customize it to fit my desired layout.
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      • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
        Originally Posted by Dr los3 View Post

        It does place it right at the top, my issue is just that i cannot use css to change the style of it since its put into a class and changing that class wouldn't fit on all of my posts. so i just use CSS to hide that h1 tag.
        Obviously this depends on theme, but do check the classes on body tag. For example if category is mentioned there, you've got a simple mechanism to style the articles differently from CSS.

        If you're dealing with pages you might want to create a new template. Google "wordpress body class".
        Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
        Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

        What's your excuse?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9315034].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by Dr los3 View Post

    Is this a dumb move on my part?
    Yeah, it's kind of a dumb move. Sometimes you can't help it - there's sites that just can't have the traditional title above main content. However, you can try to mark some part of content as h1, and just style it to fit whatever you're dealing with.

    For example, I've had to use a part of sidebar navigation as h1 on one particular site. Hardly ideal, but probably better than nothing.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9313997].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    Wordpress is totally customizable, you should be going in to your CSS style sheets and adjusting you H1 font as you see fit. My suggestion would be to learn how to do it. After spending a day trying to get your head around it, it suddenly becomes very easy.

    Since this is in the SEO section ... using your <a> tags might be a very bad idea, as it may bother the search engines in some way... possibly your authority or some other metric. <a> tags are for links after all.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It's not difficult, just add a new div class in the CSS & HTML on your theme files & be done with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Holmes
    Another possibility is to remove your theme's automatic assignment of the post title as the <h1> of your post... and then manually put in an <h1> of your desired title on each and every post.

    If you're site already has dozens or hundreds of posts, this might not be feasible.

    I agree with previous posters that point out that <a> is not appropriate. Use a <div> tag instead.
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  • Profile picture of the author rlopez88
    Sure you can. I don't see anything wrong with putting an image in a h1 tag. Seems like pretty straightforward way of doing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ioshean
    tag should be follow seo guidelines and do't make over seo
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  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Its should not be that hard to change the style of H1, and if changing so ruins your overall design just wrap the H1 in a div and use the inheritance method to style that specific H1 tag without affecting the other layout.
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  • Profile picture of the author kewkii
    You could just modify the CSS H1 for that single post ... Some WordPress templates output the post id in the HTML. Have a look in the html before the H1 to to see if there is an id for the post .. it may be in an article tag e.g. <article id="post-292"> or a div e.g. <div id="post-292">. In your CSS just specify

    #post-292 h1 { the style you want }
    It's just a thought ... although if your doing this for lots of posts then you're going to find it a pain + end up with a large CSS file. Maybe a different design maybe in order?
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOJerry
    You are hiding the H1 tag so it is invisible to the viewer? Don't do that! Google wants content posted for people not search engines. If they find you are trying to trick them by giving them something different than what the customer receives they will not be happy with you.
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