Google Local Pindrop Updates Today?

6 replies
  • SEO
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I do a lot of SEO for local business websites in Charlotte, NC and Wilmington, NC, anybody notice the pindrops went from the usual 7 pack to now a 3 pack, and some garbage listings now being shown.
I mean i am looking at Dollar Tree being listed for a tree service lol.
Anybody else notice this? I have also noticed lot's of reputable sites that were always in the pindrops today now gone and being replaced by sites that are usually back on page 2 and 3.
#google #local #pindrop #today #updates
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    YES lol.

    I just noticed this today myself. HUGE CHANGE in G local. I own 4 local sites and basically all of them lost the 7 pack (each site targets multiple industries and I track about 150 keywords between all 4 sites). Since the 7 pack had been displaying so prominently these last 6-9 months I was working up a lot of reviews and getting A TON of calls from these sites.

    In fact, we hit an all time peak like 2 days ago.

    Then today everything is just gone.

    I literally can't find a 7 pack for any keyword in ANY of my industries. The most I'm seeing is a 3 pack for a few random ass keywords.

    This can't be a permanent change otherwise I'm in a serious conundrum over this shit. Traffic is down severely right now.

    Someone has to know something?

    Or we at least need to get a debate going on this.

    I had basically stopped doing SEO for these past 6 months because G local was EVERYWHERE so I was focusing solely on reviews and I was able to get most my keywords in the top 3 just by churning them out.

    If Google doesn't get the 7 box back I'm gonna be in real bad shape.
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    • Profile picture of the author MONEYDON
      Yes, i had the C spot for Auto Repair in Charlotte, NC for 3 years, now it has gone back and been replaced by some guy who has a google plus page lol, but yes, it looks like a major update all around, i have about 50 sites across a broad range of local services and i am seeing lots of changes where it almost looks like results Bing would show you
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Google "Pigeon" Updates Local Search Algorithm With Stronger Ties To Web Search Signal

    There was an update to local. I would give it a few days and wait and see where things fall out. Usually takes a few days until an update like this rolls out completely.
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  • Profile picture of the author Blaine Smitley
    They've been bouncing around all day, but I noticed the start yesterday.

    Like always we won't know anything solid for a couple days.

    Here's one for you. Web design and SEO is back in the locals now, or at least they were today. And you don't have to type the word "in" before the city name to get them to appear. Just type in "web design (city)" and there they are. It hasn't worked this way since google changed it back in 2012.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dmreed4311
    This has been great for me so far. I'm an actual service provider and have gained a lot of ground with this latest update. If it sticks this will be great but I doubt it will.

    Carpet Doctor
    212 east Ross Ave.
    Tampa Fl 33602

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