Needs advice on authentic article spinner

by avijee
3 replies
  • SEO
  • |
Please suggest some authentic article spinner softwares / online and possible those offering free services!
#advice #article #authentic #spinner
  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    Don't spin articles, just spend a few minutes rewriting them or hire someone to do it for you. But if you still want to spin them, is the best paid article spinner and it's a software. To find free online spinners, use Google. There are many of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author avijee
      Thanks for the quick response.
      Yes I did google and found few but those doesn't make any sense.
      Having 5 websites, it would be pretty expensive to get unique articles written manually from 3rd party service as I don't get much time to use my brain in generating unique contents. Above all, I'm not master in topics that I need articles on.
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  • Profile picture of the author furqanarshad
    These black hat techniques has no value now and if you somehow get yourself a rank using these article spinners it won't be living so long. Try having fresh content or at least rewrite someone else article. I write about travel tips and guides on my travel blog and I never used such black hat techniques.
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