TweetAdder Tip: Put Automation back into TweetAdder
Since Twitter has banned bulk (un)following, tools like TweetAdder have become quite labor intensive. And clicking the mouse button 1000s of times (on (un)follow buttons), isn't fun and actually starts to hurt after several 100s of rapid clicks.
So, I just had a great idea and I'd like to share it with you; use an Auto Mouse Clicker tool! An AMC puts some automation back into TweetAdder and the likes
I downloaded a simple and free AMC from Tucows. This was also the only one that actually installed and didn't freak out Norton AV. In case you get it from Tucows too and don't want to install any of the extra stuff (e.g. some toolbar), keep clicking the Decline button (about 5 times... see the irony?) after you've clicked the EXE file. At some point the AMC will be downloaded minus the extra stuff.
Once installed:
- Launch TA and the AMC;
- Click the AMC's "Locate" button;
- Move cursor to desired position (e.g. (un)follow button) and click (to send the cursor position to the AMC);
- I've set the click interval to 300ms and it seems to work fine;
- Set amount of clicks (example: set 300 clicks if you need to (un)follow 300 people);
- Lean back and enjoy your victory... you've just semi-beaten a billion $$$ company's rules
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Visit my official blog: James Winsoar and learn how to generate 30+ new FREE leads a day on auto-pilot!
Visit my official blog: James Winsoar and learn how to generate 30+ new FREE leads a day on auto-pilot!