Need help deciding a focus for my marketing dissertation
I'm literally brand new to Warrior so I'm not too sure if I'm okay to ask this sort of thing, but it seems like a place that could help me out. This seemed like the most relevant topic too.
I've been really keen on digital and social media marketing since the start of the year, and have been reading, gaining experience and doing all I can to increase my industry knowledge. Trouble is, my film and media studies course doesn't offer much marketing teaching aside from one unit (kind of) so everything I've learned so far has pretty much been self-taught.
But I love the craft of storytelling to sell a product, and I'm totally of the belief that for a product to be successful, you need to target the right emotions in people. Failure to research which emotions your audience needs to feel to purchase your product means failure or partial failure of the product.
And yet, I feel like all that has been said on that topic has already been written. Because I'm learning through reading and watching and observing, I'm essentially being told what to think, and while I have a couple clients for whom I manage their social media accounts and suggest advertising campaigns, I can't hide the fact I'm still a total rookie.
I'm big on big data, and the more I can find out about my audience the better (like I said, I don't think you can ever research enough), but do I really have enough to say that will total 10,000-12,000 words without it sounding like a description of other writers' works?
I'm totally stumped, but I'm desperate to produce a really good piece of work.
What does everyone think? Sorry for the slight ramble.