Getting frustrated with youtube...

by dj2590
11 replies
So I made 2 decent videos. I'm using tubebuddy to check all my stats/rankings and what not. Some days I'll rank in the top 3 position on the first page of youtube, then a few hours later I'll lose my rankings... I don't get it! Why do I keep losing my rankings?
#frustrated #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
    Atleast you are getting on first page some days !!
    check the competition and see whats getting ranked when your video is not
    you need to keep on making videos.
    dont just stick to 2 videos

    you should know that there are thousands of people creating videos and uploading so maybe someone is trying to rank in the same niche as yours.....
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    It's called the Google dance, your ranking will jump around a bit until google figures out where they want to place you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I haven't heard the term "google dance" for ten years or more. There is still the 'positioning' - but not the 'dance' it was in the past.

    Not sure - but doesn't YouTube use the 'personalized search' that Google started years ago? It would account for some up/down changes you see but that's a guess on my part.

    From YouTube 2017 statistics"

    The total number of people who use YouTube - 1,300,000,000. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.
    300 hrs uploaded every minute... Maybe that's why it's difficult to maintain rankings for long...?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author anayb
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I haven't heard the term "google dance" for ten years or more. There is still the 'positioning' - but not the 'dance' it was in the past.

      Not sure - but doesn't YouTube use the 'personalized search' that Google started years ago? It would account for some up/down changes you see but that's a guess on my part.

      From YouTube 2017 statistics"

      300 hrs uploaded every minute... Maybe that's why it's difficult to maintain rankings for long...?
      Only, and only a little, tiny fraction of the videos get any views; the rest YouTube sends them to the graveyard--"YouTube Graveyard." YouTube look for quality uploaders, not ordinary, amateur ones. WHY? because they need user engagement and ad revenue. If your content got quality, solve people's problem it will stick to the rank for some time no matter how many videos are being uploaded UNLESS someone uploads a more quality video that replaces your place. So, don't be fearful about the number of videos being uploaded everyday. Remember, almost 80% are buried under 10-feet solid rock.

      Many people with 5000 crap videos receive less than 500 views a day while just one quality video gets a million views within a day/week/month of its upload. How is that possible? think about it.
      Do you need an exclusive video product?
      Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
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  • Is "Shimmyin' blissfully on a Google-free Double O Ticket" any kinda tagline yet?

    Gotta figure even the most immaculately armored Medieval swankers got superseded by guys with evidently hotter undergarments.

    I would want the 2020s to be culturally svelte.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I would advise you to not stay only 2 videos make more of them but make them quality .When you create your videos look at them as a visitator and ask yourself .This videos attarct me or help me to watch them all duration
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  • Profile picture of the author wondercoder
    Don't worry. There are large number of videos getting uploaded on youtube every single minute. This makes your ranking to fluctuate. Don't stop. Keep going and make nice videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elviravaldes
    try to make more than 3 that you can get a better experience with the ranking..
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  • Profile picture of the author nic35
    Keep the title and description with good keywords
    Tag your video with right keywords

    Drive some traffic to your video from other social media sites
    Buy shares and like for your video.
    Send traffic to your video through email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author herlonso
    I suggest you promote through social media to drive traffic to your video. The more audience you are able to reach the better. I recommend using to help with the promotion. I had an excellent experience with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elna R Wiley
    this will happen always dont worry about that..keep trying by uploading many videos you can..
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