Instant Article Revenue Problem

by Cech
2 replies
Hey guys,

I have a blog about politics and health. 2 months ago, I've been earnings approximately $80 a day, but after quite a while, my revenue dropped dramatically.

I don't know what caused the problem but, something went wrong. I can't make more than $10 a day!

What I have is:

- Facebook Group with over 70k members (99% are US Citizens, we carefully review all the requests and accept only real people from USA)
- 4 Facebook pages with around 10k likes/follows

We also look for the hottest topics that will attract the visitors to read the post (Not a clickbait one).

But still, our revenue is pretty low for some reason. Do you know what might be the problem? Do you know any tip or trick to increase it?

Thank you in advance
#article #instant #problem #revenue
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