The four most downloaded apps of the decade are from Facebook
What does this mean
Despite Facebook's notable issues about user data and political ads, among others, the Zuckerberg-founded giant is a digital empire. What started off as merely Facebook soon spawned into Messenger, and later acquired Instagram and WhatsApp.
And the competition?
And this means Instagram vs Snapchat. Snapchat was the first mover, but Facebook soon caught up and rolled out Instagram Stories at the expense of Snapchat's usage rate. While Snapchat is on a resurgence and TikTok is the new third banana, Instagram will still dominate the photo/video sharing sphere.
Irrelevant, but Twitter barely made the top 10
Twitter is after all, still a microblogging site. But Twitter has what I'd like to call "fast-paced feeling". I get news and updates from Twitter, not Facebook or some other news website. While Twitter expanded the 140-character tweet limit, that is the essence - expound your thoughts in 140 characters or less. And Twitter will still let users see the latest tweets (i.e. descending chronological order) instead of forcing users to view top, algorithm-based items. I like it that way.
dustin rashan -
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