Youtube its killing me

7 replies
Seems that youtube its not a fair social media network and they will ban you imediatly if someone reports you

I start to create review videos from clickbank products using renderforest and i just copy and paste text from other people reviews from google then software creates the video for me

Now few days my channel gets banned without any warnings but the thing its they also block my acces to my other channels on the accounts ,and that channels dont break any violations

It was just me teaching people how to make money online

Well ok i underdtand maybe i do something wrong on my review channel but why do you also block my other 2 channels ?

As an advice guys ,dont ever put your all eggs in just one platform like this because its not your propriety and you can lose all your hard efforts in just 1 day if someone complain and want to put your video down
#killing #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    i just copy and paste text from other people reviews from google then software creates the video for me

    You don't have the legal right to copy/paste someone else's text and use it for your KNOW that.

    Of course they will close all your channels - they know if you violate terms of service on probably do the same on the others.

    You are blaming 'someone who complained' - but if you had written your own ad copy they would have nothing to complain about.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

    Seems that youtube its not a fair

    I start to create review videos from clickbank products using renderforest and i just copy and paste text from other people reviews
    It's amazing how many people complain about Google & Youtube being unfair. Yet you're the one that violated their terms of service!

    Kind of explains the thread you posted back in November and never bothered coming back to.
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy Arrandale
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      It's amazing how many people complain about Google & Youtube being unfair. Yet you're the one that violated their terms of service!

      Kind of explains the thread you posted back in November and never bothered coming back to.
      Hey, Spartan, why not get some coaching or a mentor to learn the stuff that works...without risking yourself or using other people's material or using other shortcuts?

      And by that I mean a mentor who's already been making money at what he or she is teaching you to do, who doesn't have this problem.

      Also, most social media that is not web 3.0 is kind of stacked against us. They can decide to do anything at anytime and we usually don't have any control over it.

      that's why I decided to learn email marketing after legitamately trying youtube and facebook for 2 years and they didn't work (but i also didn't copy anyone else's work and use it, either.)

      Even email marketing as an affiliate is hard sometimes, having to learn not to spam people, how to legititamately ask for and maybe, maybe receive their email address from them, and what constitutes spam, how to inbox properly without unethically getting into people's inboxes, and how to ask people who've given me permission to email them to please check their promotions and spam folders for my first email and then move it into their inbox since they actually WANT to get my emails, but it was worth it for me learning all that.

      However, I still get spammed myself whenever i set up a new website lol Thank goodness those go into my spam/junk folder automatically and I don't have to worry about them wasting my time when I didn't ask to be emailed
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    "Get a mentor" is not always the answer - Spartan14 has been posting about youtube and other videos for 5-6 years.... It doesn't take a mentor to know not to copy other people's work product (their text) - or to know that quality of videos is important.

    From a 2017 post:

    Now the interesting part i search for all my videos as i have them on diferent acounts and i have no more less than 5000 videos .I know that i make a thread i was have 3000 but i check i have 5000
    .......he goes on to say the videos are not high quality - and he does not try to rank them because he doesn't want to spend any money.... In that thread he said his earnings were $150/month but declining.

    In multiple threads about YouTube and other videos the advice has been to improve quality, not just quantity. In sept this year - spartan14 posted about having a YouTube acct removed... and was told how to find out WHY so he could correct the problem. Apparently he did not do that.

    I hate to see someone work so hard for years and not get anywhere - but the quality of the videos, promoting the videos, etc COUNTS. I don't know if language use is an issue but if promoting to English speaking countries, you must be easy to understand in English....especially when you are trying to sell your visitors a product.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author shivamrudiya
    Maybe trying alternatives like rumble could be an option there relatively lenient compared to google
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      I think a better idea is to improve the videos Spartan makes. Copying content without permission is not the way to go, even if, for now, you find a place that lets you post them. (Because that same place can start banning you... so as to not get sued themselves.)

      Spartan would get the same result if he summarized:

      You find a review that says, Awesome software. It made me $150 in the first day.

      You say, A user on xxx with a username of xxx is happy as they made $150 the first day. (link to the review in the description). Not a lot of extra work for the same (low) quality video content.

      Originally Posted by shivamrudiya View Post

      Maybe trying alternatives like rumble could be an option there relatively lenient compared to google
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  • Profile picture of the author zainsultan
    Before posting content on youtube, You must read the Guidelines & Rules of YouTube.
    If you do not follow YT Rules etc., your channel will be blocked.
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