FB Page Owners, Be Careful Of This New Scam
I just wanna give a heads up for you from a new and smart scam that is made to steal Facebook pages and accounts.
Today, I got this message from "Merck Zuckerberg":
"Dear Facebook user,
After reviewing your page activity, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Your account might be permanently suspended.
If you think this is a mistake, please verify your account on the link below. This would indicate that your Page does not have a violation on our Terms of Service. We will immediately review your account activity, and we will notify you again via email.
Verify your account at the link below:
Thanks for being part of Facebook Community."
Here is a screenshot of the message:

I received the exact same message a month ago from "Security Team".
The latest scheme uses a bogus Facebook Security Team / Merck Zuckerberg account to inform potential victims that their accounts have been suspended due to Terms of Service violations.
Users who click on the "verify your account" link are taken to a malicious Facebook app page where they're requested to provide their page name, email address or phone number, and password.
Of course, the app has nothing to do with Facebook and those who sign up are actually handing over their login credentials.
If you've already fallen victim to this scam, be sure to immediately change your password. If it's too late, visit the Facebook Help Center and try to reclaim your account.
All the best,
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