FB Page Owners, Be Careful Of This New Scam

24 replies
Dear fellow warriors,

I just wanna give a heads up for you from a new and smart scam that is made to steal Facebook pages and accounts.

Today, I got this message from "Merck Zuckerberg":

"Dear Facebook user,

After reviewing your page activity, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Your account might be permanently suspended.

If you think this is a mistake, please verify your account on the link below. This would indicate that your Page does not have a violation on our Terms of Service. We will immediately review your account activity, and we will notify you again via email.

Verify your account at the link below:


Thanks for being part of Facebook Community."

Here is a screenshot of the message:

I received the exact same message a month ago from "Security Team".

The latest scheme uses a bogus Facebook Security Team / Merck Zuckerberg account to inform potential victims that their accounts have been suspended due to Terms of Service violations.

Users who click on the "verify your account" link are taken to a malicious Facebook app page where they're requested to provide their page name, email address or phone number, and password.

Of course, the app has nothing to do with Facebook and those who sign up are actually handing over their login credentials.

If you've already fallen victim to this scam, be sure to immediately change your password. If it's too late, visit the Facebook Help Center and try to reclaim your account.

All the best,

#careful #owners #page #scam
  • Profile picture of the author alina855
    Thanks Deezign. Though i am not a victim of this scam but still wanna say thanks to you because I'm also an admin of a Facebook page. This info will help me to keep safe my FB page.
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  • Profile picture of the author mycongme
    The same scam email is with Paypal. They get fake emails with fake case ID and tells you to click on below link to restart your account again..
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    Merck??? LOL.

    Thanks for pointing this out. Hopefully every Warrior hasn't encountered this already.
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  • Profile picture of the author germoney
    Thanks for your thread. I can image that especially younger page owners could walk into the trap.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisH
      Thanks for the post. Yet another scam to keep my eyes open for. There are just too many of them and recently it seems to have got a lot worse!

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  • Profile picture of the author franktwin
    I can't stand these scammers... They are so Stupid... Cannot spell, don't use proper english... just a waste of a human being... okay done ranting...lol

    Skin Care Formulation Expert | Vitamin C Serum MyTrendyBlends.Com

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  • Profile picture of the author warfornev
    In general, never click on a link in an email. Use bookmarks, or *AT LEAST copy the URL, paste it into the address box of the browser, and carefully look at it. But it's better to use bookmarks or type it in manually (auto-complete should save you most of the typing anyway.)
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      There's been so many of these going around lately.

      Thanks for sharing, even though they look pretty obvious, I am sure this will help others out there not realizing what this is all about
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  • Profile picture of the author haaset
    Thanks for the warning
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    I just reported their link to bit.ly so it will stop working pretty soon
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  • Profile picture of the author Deezign
    Great initiative Chase I reported it to FB but didn't think to do the same with bit.ly!
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric S
    I got this message about 3 or 4 days ago. Except the name was from Mark Zurckerberg.

    As you can see, that's a little closer to the real thing. Scared me for a minute because I knew nothing was wrong with my page, but I also know how facebook can be. After I let myself calm down a little, I looked closer at the name and also realized that facebook wouldn't send a bit.ly link lol.

    Regardless, everyone needs to be careful. I've heard horror stories of people getting hacked and losing their facebook pages. That's why I choose super hard passwords for facebook that I can't even remember. It's better for me to have to look up my password everytime I log in rather than be sorry!
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    • Profile picture of the author 22122gospel
      I appreciate the valuable "heads-up" and advice from all who contributed to this post. Thanks to all.
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  • Profile picture of the author cimsols
    Thanks Deezign, I've seen this for fb and for PayPal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennisknows
    Thanks for sharing. I haven't come across this yet but I'm been doing this too long to fall for that...

    Come on... Merck? LMAO...

    Can't believe FB isn't up on this...

    "The Marketing Menace"
    "May the optimism of your tomorrow fuel your drive for today"
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  • Profile picture of the author gurugrimmer
    DUDE!!! Thanks for the heads up!!

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  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    Thanks for making us aware of this new Merck scam
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  • Profile picture of the author whywork
    Wow, I hope nobody gets scammed and loses their site. But hopefully people see that "Merck" name and call BS!

    FREE MLM TEAM BUILDER - Over $8,000 In Bonuses For $1

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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Hill
      Thanks. I came across something similar to this about a year or so ago but t was my personal account. It was pretty annoying.
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  • Profile picture of the author FirstSocialApps
    Merck Zuckerberg .. well you can take comfort in knowing who ever propagates that scam isnt to bright. Merck! Would have been much better off misspelling his last name.
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    • Profile picture of the author Deezign
      Originally Posted by FirstSocialApps View Post

      Merck Zuckerberg .. well you can take comfort in knowing who ever propagates that scam isnt to bright. Merck! Would have been much better off misspelling his last name.
      Well, this is not the reason why they use "Merck" They were using "Security Team" and "Mark Zuckerberg" before but got their apps banned. I guess this is why they are now using "Merck" lol. Then, they will get banned and try to find another name. How stupid...
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      • Profile picture of the author aanioz
        That all is happening around, i too have received same messages on two of my facebook pages, didn't thought that they are spreading this message all around.
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  • Profile picture of the author infoway
    Hey thanks a lot for the warning. It would be a real disaster if we all are trapped in this scam. Thanks for sharing this info & I am sure this will help everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author syedzaheer
    thanks for helpful message
    i have many face book pages and i saw a lot of time this kind of message on my facebook fan pages
    but i didn't replay to this message so plz be careful
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