1st Youtube - No Google Results

by jaudet
0 replies
Hey guys,

After rankings many videos top of Google for keywords in affiliate marketing, I am looking to rank my first of hopefully many offline business videos on top of Google and Youtube results and make, in the long run, a full time income business.

My guess is that it shouldn't be too difficult because of the low competition around here for certain keywords.

In a little less than 1 week, I was able to rank 1 video for a client 1st result in Youtube. I don't have too much credit because it was easy to do (couple of views, likes, right optimization et voila, done).

However, this video is no where seen in Google results up to page 20 and still no results. After analyzing the niche a little bit more in Google, I still don't understand why my video is still no here because most of top Google results are yellowpages, which a video should rank higher in no time in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on this? Any ideas ?
#1st #google #results #youtube

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