7 Steps for Converting $4.74 in Facebook Advertising Spend to $160.49 Revenue
You can see the screenshots to begin and then read below exactly how to do it.

7 Steps To Do This Yourself!
- Choose a product you believe in. You should order and use the product yourself to have the best chance at making it through the rest of the steps. If you think of sales and marketing in a funnel, this first step is so important that 95% of your success will be determined on picking a product that is awesome. The only way to ensure success is to try many products yourself and then attempt to sell those you like the best.
- Create a simple conversion process. If you are doing affiliate marketing, you can use LeadPages to make a landing page that allows people to order in one click. If you want the best chance at getting these results, you should have your own products with your own store where you control the experience from start to finish. The process should be intended to focus on pleasing only the people that will order and provides the least friction on all devices.
- Create a Facebook conversion tracking pixel. Place the code on your "thank you" or "order confirmed" page. For affiliate offers, you may need to use a transfer page that people briefly wait on while they change from your page to the affiliate page or a similar page they can load prior to exiting your website. While this will not track sales, you can track who clicks through your page at least and combine that with whatever tracking is offered by the affiliate. Prior to starting any campaigns, you must verify the conversion tracking pixel is "active" or you cannot see what you are doing that is really working. Visit these links to learn more about conversion tracking code:
- Create Facebook page post advertisements either by posting on your page or creating unpublished posts with the Power Editor. You will want to create as many variations as you can stand which should be at least five different posts. You should test that all links work and that the sponsored story comes up exactly how you think it should look. Make sure to continually upload your campaigns so you don't lose your work in the power editor. In each campaign, create separate ads by gender and age which may mean you have 10 to 20+ different ads per campaign.
- Use the Power Editor to copy your individual page post campaigns into at least 5 different audiences. Try all kinds of audiences that might convert and try to think out of the box as much as possible. For example, if you have a weight loss product, you can try #weightloss, #fitness, individual pages, and some open minded solutions like #ice cream or #butter. With this many campaigns and ads, you can set a low daily budget on all and zoom in on exactly what works. You can see that at this point I am recommending a minimum of 25 unique advertising campaigns which at the $1/day minimum is $25/day to start.
- Go forward with a survival of the fittest mindset using conversion based reports to analyze your return. Let the campaigns run for several days at a minimum so you make sure you have enough data to see what works. You need to get a conversion to get a baseline for estimating how effective your return is. If you stand to make $100 from a sale, you may need to spend at least $100 per campaign to decide if that campaign can work for you. While getting started is clearly difficult, once you find the campaigns that produce an exceptional return as shown in the screenshots above, you can continue to run them and make similar campaigns to further increase your earnings.
- Continue to create new advertising campaigns and keep running ad campaigns that convert until they stop converting. You would not believe how many times I have seen people pause ad campaigns that were converting simply because they did not see it among the hundreds of other campaigns they were running or because they did not recognize the one small number showing what they most wanted. Facebook gives you a lot of data to make sure you have everything you could want to know. The problem is that you usually only need to know a very few things and having more data makes seeing what is really important more difficult. Focus on only your return on investment and you can be sure to succeed.
In closing, what I have suggested is difficult and is worth doing well. You should know that I made thousands of Facebook advertising campaigns to get one that converts at such a high return. While you may want to find a quick and easy solution for making money online, in my experience most of the people doing really well worked very hard to get there. Facebook advertising gives anyone in the world a chance to get there that is willing to work hard to learn and get clients that need the help.
Thank you for reading this post! I hope this information proves valuable to you and hope you will share what you know works to maximize ROI with Facebook ads!
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I wouldn't have pulled a $9k week w/Teespring etc without the help of others, so it's time to pay it forward.
I can make a little room in my life for that. ;)
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