Get an ERROR 403 when l try to...
Mods feel free to move this to the help section to see if it sticks.
Maybe you will have better luck with the "Move Tool" than l have had trying to create a new post there?
Kay King -
[ 1 ] Thanks
SignatureSaving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog***I firmly believe that animals make people more human.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797431].message }} -
tagiscom -
SignatureArchimedes Forum - is Nvidia going to the Moon, Sign up to Find out...{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797438].message }} -
Kay King -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
SignatureSaving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog***I firmly believe that animals make people more human.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797445].message }}-
tagiscom -
SignatureArchimedes Forum - is Nvidia going to the Moon, Sign up to Find out...{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797470].message }} -
WF- Enzo Administrator-
Thanks - 1 reply
Signature{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797569].message }}-
tagiscom -
SignatureArchimedes Forum - is Nvidia going to the Moon, Sign up to Find out...{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11797581].message }} -