Need help selling my website for maximum $$$

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I'm seriously considering selling my affiliate website. I've never sold a website before, so I'm looking for advice on how to maximize the sales price and anything else I should do. The site makes me about $500/month and I hardly ever touch it. I think there are a lot of ways to leverage its Google ranking, but I'd rather cash in to raise money for a software development project that I am financing.

If you have an advice to offer, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm thinking about keeping track of everything that I do to sell it as sort of a case study infoproduct as well. So if anyone would like to partner with me on that, I would be interested so that it gets done quickly and so I can go back to focusing on my new software (which will be for the IM community and will kick a$$).

Thanks in advance for the help.

#$$$ #cash in my chips #flipping #maximum #selling #thesis theme #thesisthemeorg #website

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