I want to tutor programming remotely. My goal is to get my first paid client by 13/04/2020

5 replies
Hello WF


I have been going round in circles trying to figure out a suitable "SaaS" or digital product idea. I have been looking at more of the startup-like material on this, looking at product, distribution, pricing, what problem am I solving, who will buy, do they care, what is the MVP etc.

I have learned a lot of amazingly useful ideas around testing if my idea sucks.

The problem is that I have got fed up reading and thinking and trying to find the nebulous 'idea' that doesn't suck. Fed up, I have seen what I am missing, and I have decided to do something that will put me in closer contact to people with problems that I can solve first.

The Goal

The goal is to tutor people online on programming. Since I have been programming way way too long, this should be something I can help people with! I haven't definitely decided the sub-niche yet but I am leaning towards helping with Javascript and React. There are a lot of people these days looking to learn those topics and are struggling digesting course material from online courses.

To do this I am going to:

* Create a site with a home page that presents the offer.
* Create useful, insightful blog posts that demonstrate my knowledge, and gently nudge people to the home page to see what I offer.
* Promote those blog posts in channels where learning programmers hang out.
* Offer services direct in forums that allow "for hire" type threads.
* Do what i am dong now! Talk about it in a number of places where I can give updates, and if people want to be tutored they can PM me on those places and I will probably offer discounts to these kinds of communities. (Hint Hint!)
* Read up on tutoring best practices. I have helped people at work learn stuff, but not formally tutored someone.


I have given myself a generous timeline of 1 month to:
  • Complete the tasks above
  • Get a paid customer

This might not sound too ambitious! So why is the goal so small?

As someone who does Scrum at work I believe in making unpredictable goals not to stretching, so that you can complete what you commit to. I think psychologically this is better than setting up unrealistic goals.

By contrast setting a goal of getting to $10k side income a month in 4 weeks would just feel silly. And if I were setting a programming goal I'd be more ambitious because I am much more experienced in that field than marketing and copy-writing.

Thanks for reading!
#client #goal #paid #programming #remotely #tutor
  • Profile picture of the author Aiferoz
    Why tutor and not just sell a course?
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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by Aiferoz View Post

      Why tutor and not just sell a course?

      Good question!

      There are a lot of course and it's a winner takes all market. Some people sell courses and make millions, and others will sell 10 $10 course on udemy and make $100 minus udemy fees for hours of work.

      What I want to do is learn more about the market for people who buy courses by working with them directly and helping them. Once I have this experience and knowledge, I should be better placed to decide what the course should be hand how to market it, and who to.
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bjarne Eldhuset
    How is it going? :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    try reading 7 days startup by Dan Norris, it`s really easy to start quickly.
    I had to make a pivot lately with the business being closed and i will have everything up and running in 4-5 days including creating the business model, doing the analysis, creating a web page and promotion.

    I`m starting promotion by monday sending thousands of cold mail which i am very experienced, so i`ll have 3K sales by the end of the week as i always do..

    Faster is good, money love speed
    Stop Struggling With Your Website and Marketing
    30$ / task, pay after done!
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  • Profile picture of the author enigma55
    Have you gotten this off the ground yet, or still working out the kinks? Maybe shoot first and ask questions later?
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