The Only Reliable Shortcut to Earning Online
tomokun 1 year ago

The Only Reliable Shortcut to Earning Online

Here's What I Did to Turn Millions On the Web

Let's get my disclosure out of the way first. You didn't hear any of this from me. Yes, my offer is THAT disruptive. Shhhh ...

Copy Secrets, the Greats Will Never Tell You

Even Brought a Copy Legend Out From Hiding

This Is Like Satoshi Nakamoto Revealing His Identity

A copywriter ends a long hiatus to reveal the truth about earning online. It's been a while, but the weak attempts I see in the digital marketplace got me too fed up!

Business owners should know they NEED copy, but the market is falling short.

This Is How You Earn Millions As If YOU Were the Copywriter Instead!

Think you can only get great copy by hiring a pro?

I teach you top-dollar copy in an hour because doing it better will earn you better money. But I'm not talking about persuasive writing.

I'm talking about fast-tracking your skills to adopt the copy I've used that earned over $10 million in under five years.

You didn't misread that. Give me 40 secs now to show you how.

I See No Difference Between Money and Words ...

It's very simple.

If you are aiming for a spot in digital-marketing, then remember where it started. Remember why we do this. Putting food on the table, that's easy.

Keeping the kids happy and the wife smiling, I ain't got problems there either.

Business owners hate to admit it, but our private lives reflect our business successes. When business is well, so are we, family and whoever depends on us.

With so much working for me, you might ask "why come out from my secret life."

A decade passed, yet with the flood of people trying internet marketing, they still can't see what makes it work. The owners of WF are friends; they see the void too.

Since when do I have to tell digital-business owners you need an endless string of powerful words before money oozes out?

I came back here for a reason. Too many marketers are in need of help.

I already know. You aren't wielding great copy. There is only one solution I can think of, and none of you have even seen it ...

Copy So Effective, Some Had Even Quit Porn
Business owners are riddled with illnesses as if the problems they face in their personal lives have nothing to do with business.

With better revenue, more leads and new sales, I've seen pathetic marketers even quit pornography. Others stopped years of cigarettes.

One apologized to his family due to how bad business used to be.

Marketing campaigns aren't easy, so don't think your life will fall in place when everything else you work on is in shambles. Let's get that issue out of the way first.

You know that writing top copy is the meal ticket, so let's talk about how better copy will keep those problems of a failing-online marketer out of your private life.

The ideal, good life is why you got into this in the first place.

Money is the mechanism, but do you know what makes that money?

Three things hold you back when you don't have them.

Not enough discipline
Not enough vision
Not enough great copy

I can't teach you discipline, so don't ask me.

I can critique yours, sure, but I can't teach you the right vision.

Now, if you just want to scale your online marketing, reach a larger audience to convert to buyers, you've gold to glean from me.

You can even start today.

Doing This Made Us More Money
Doing It Well Made Gobs of It

I know this success firsthand, and a few clever words is all it takes.

I created "the" shortcut to sales copy, and my secrets have hid for far too long. Those secrets already made million$, so I’m not rushing to make another sale. You need a shortcut because writing great copy is what starts an online business.

Getting better at it builds that business.

You won't succeed online, a digital world ruled by words, if you don't have your own words on point. I'm not talking of a copy-and-paste program that's worse than AI.

I'm talking of your voice, your business and its financial bottom line.

Great copy sells WHATEVER offer, but the best in the industry keep it secret. That's why I came back into the spotlight and decided to make one major shift just $20.

Can ONE Experience Make Me Master Copywriting?!
Yes it can and has for others ... Your decision, now, is if you'll be next to shine.
Now, ANYONE Can Compete In Digital
"Wait, Why Is He Doing This So Cheap?"

Well first, I've got a million leads, so I'll end up with a full premium in the end. I want to be genuinely helpful, but let's be real, I'm far from being stupid.

Second, this price makes my product a damn-good offer. Why wouldn't you buy it?

Third, old friends of mine who started Warrior Forum had a dream. They thought the secrets to writing great copy would be shared here more often.

I'm going to finally help them realize that dream once and for all ...

This will disrupt an entire market, so today is your time to act.

Here Is Where the Idiots Drop Off ...
Only "Serious" Marketers Get Access

If you can't put $20 into your future, you likely can't end the shambles of your private life, move into that fantasy home or grow a successful business.

Let's face it. Before you make a major breakthrough, a few things have to change.

This is real life I'm talking about.

Usually, a shift this big calls for a BIGGER investment, but I won't let it cost you. Closing the gap in your writing only makes your life better.

It's as easy as handing over a few bucks to change your business and private life.

Earn As If YOU WERE the Copywriter
It's $20 Bucks, Man!
Copy Secrets the Greats Will NEVER Share!
There's only one way to compete online. Write better copy.

Copywriter, Tomo Albanese Sold Over $16.5 Million Online!
Here are some of the biggest paydays my book teaches you to achieve for yourself:
*Shawn Casey—$
*Tom Bell—$
*Mark Victor Hansen—$
*Robert Allen—$
*Ryan Moran—$
*Perry Belcher—$

Now that I'm in the spotlight, you can do your own million-dollar writing for $20.
As CEO of Aninimity@WordsRWeapons, Tomo and his COO represent Fortune-500 companies with a few small businesses that are making their mark on history.
If you think any of that gets done without great writing, then you'll miss the mark, lose your 7-figure trajectory and wonder why none of it is working ...
There's only one way to compete online. Write better copy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Get Ready
    Hello. I just bought it. How do I access the book?
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  • Profile picture of the author beforeigo
    I have just ordered. I have not received a download email or receipt from stripe. Please send download info.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomokun
      My apologies - copy sent over and I am looking into what may have become broken in our order process. Thanks for letting me know!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11809700].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author smokefire
    What makes this course different from the many other courses out there? I will not state program names, but there are many costly guru taught programs floating in cyberspace.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11807546].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tomokun
      Apologies for the late reply - I have a newborn and that has become all consuming.

      As for what makes this course different - it comes down to one thing.

      I'm not teaching you techniques. I'm teaching you how to understand when to apply those techniques.

      Think about it like martial arts. Knowing how to do an arm bar, how to throw a punch, or how to do a round house kick - these are all good to know. But they are pretty useless if you don't know how to properly apply them in a fight.

      Every single course I've seen spends a lot of time teaching you techniques, but they don't really teach you why those techniques work or how to think and understand their application. For example, take the single line writing.

      You know what I mean...

      It's when copywriters...


      One line at a time.

      You see it freaking everywhere now and quite frankly...

      It's annoying.

      But it's a perfectly valid technique when it's not being beaten to death. The problem is that "technique stuffing" exists for the same reason that keyword stuffing existed back in the early days of SEO. Because techniques work, but that doesn't mean the writers using them understand why or when they will be most effective to employ.

      This is not an easy thing to teach, let alone learn. I explain why in the book, if that's something you are curious about. ;-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11809572].message }}
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