How can I remove the white space from this page?

6 replies
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Greetings. I have a Wordpress Website.

It was designed by someone else. Now, I am working to make changes to it.

I am not that familiar with Wordpress. Do you know how I can use the Whitespace that is above the picture. I wanted to put a call to action there or something that tells people what the site is about. I just can't see where I can modify that area.

My Website

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

#page #remove #space #white
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Lezcano
    Well the only thing I am certain of is that there are many ways it can be done, none of which I could possibly know as themes, plugins, etc. etc. all work together harmoniously and the combinations are endless. Maybe you can start by telling us what theme you are using? What Page Builder?

    Just going to need more info ...
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    • Profile picture of the author C and E Vincent
      Thank you for your reply, Daniel.

      I believe I m using the Scalia Theme. I am also using the LayerSlider WP for the image on the home page. Before there were several images, but I decided to use just one because the page seemed to be loading slowly. I may be using Visual Composer (though it looks like it is a free version. Every time I click on the Visual Composer Icon, it is asking me to buy it for $34). I also have something called Yellow Pencil which seems like it is a page builder.

      Do you know where I can find out what Page Builder I am using?

      My apologies if I have confused things, I am just learning how to use Wordpress.

      Does this help?

      Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author Honey Raj
    add this css code into your style.css file or custom css file- thats it
    height: 99px !important;
    #site-header .site-title a img {
    width: 130px;
    .block-content {
    padding: 0 0 !important;
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    • Profile picture of the author C and E Vincent
      Thank you, Honey Raj.

      I have never edited css code. Does it matter where I put it?

      Thanks again for replying to my post :-)

      Best regards,

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Lezcano
        Originally Posted by C and E Vincent View Post

        Thank you, Honey Raj.

        I have never edited css code. Does it matter where I put it?

        Thanks again for replying to my post :-)

        Best regards,

        He mentions 2 ways ...

        One way is to get a plug-in that will allow you to place css code to modify whatever elements you are looking to change. Because its a plug-in, the modifications you make to the Style CSS will stay put and not be eliminated as it would had you gone to the Style sheet of your theme and made changes there, because when the theme creators update it, the style sheet is overwritten. I myself just learned its best to not use such a plug-in and instead just use the child theme style sheet instead. Its one less plug-in to slow you down in essence. So....

        If you are instead going to place the code in your style sheet you will need to first make sure you are using a "Child Theme" version of your theme. As far as I know that theme should have its child theme included. Once you are using the child theme just go to "Appearance" > Editor > and hopefully there will be a style sheet there within which to place the code. If not you will have to create one.
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        • Profile picture of the author C and E Vincent
          Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate your posting again. I will see what information I can find regarding modifying the child theme. I will let you know once I figure it out. Thank you again, I really appreciate everyone's help in trying to point me in the right direction.
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