i hosted my first site ever!

2 replies
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Hey all,

I was wondering what you guys have to say about my first website i ever host.

Home - DevnTech

I'm doing the best i can to write long, detailed , interesting articles. I've been using the yoast plug-in,but so far i have few visitors like 2 in a day.

if you have any helpful tips i will be very grateful.

Any other constructive criticism or advice?

Thanks in advance for your help!
#blog #hosted #hosting #site #wordperss
  • Profile picture of the author markhimeb
    Your design is fine. Nice work! Just find some place to add an optin form to get subscribers to your email list.

    I also just read one of your articles, which apparently means that you are writing pretty well.
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  • Profile picture of the author dijani
    You need to do the following to get traffic to your website:

    a) create accounts and if u have wordpress site install Autoposting to social media sites and then create few accounts with social media sites, now when u post content to your site also will be published posts to social media from this plugin, which means u get high page ranked backlinks for your website, which means u will get traffic in autopilot
    b) work with video sites , create few videos upload to as many video sites as you can with backlink to your website
    c) visit forums related to your website and join conversation + create new post

    those 3 ways to get free traffic, there are many more like some use Yahoo answer and other top sites like yahoo however i will concentrate on the once i listed a bow.

    Hope this help, thank you.
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