New Wordpress site ... step by step

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Hello all,

I will setting up a WP site for a client on a new server, and thought it would be an interesting exercise by doing so, step by step, on youtube.

While I am sure a lot of you are more fluent in WP than I, if you are new to WP and would like me to focus on something in particular, please let me know.
#setup #site #step #wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author redpandagroup
    Go for it. We will encourage you to go ahead and setup a Youtube channel and have this as your niche. Even many knows the WP stuff but there is still a number of people who are still new to WP.

    We at Red Panda have this all the time where our client says Wordpress? What is it?? So you see you still have potential of going out there and help others while polishing your skills at the same time.

    Particularly you can go for installation on local host as the 1 click install is pretty simple and you can mention that too.

    Hope it will Encourage you

    Red Panda Team
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