Multiple levels of link categories in Joomla

6 replies
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How can I get multiple levels of link categories in Joomla 1.5.15...?
I guess I need a extention for that, but which one...? :confused:
#categories #joomla #levels #link #multiple
  • Profile picture of the author Product Developer
    Originally Posted by HomeBizNizz View Post

    How can I get multiple levels of link categories in Joomla 1.5.15...?
    I guess I need a extention for that, but which one...? :confused:

    How do you mean???

    Do you mean access levels?...

    What are you trying to achieve?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1738740].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HomeBizNizz
      Originally Posted by Product Developer View Post


      How do you mean???

      Do you mean access levels?...

      What are you trying to achieve?

      Sorry, bad explanation.
      No, looking for linkcategories with multiple sublevels.
      It only one level as standard today.
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  • Profile picture of the author 5minutejoomla
    Looks like there is an extension category for that.

    Go to >Extensions >Structure & Navigation >Multi Categorization

    FJ looks like it does just what you are asking for. Sorry I can't post a link yet or I'd send you right to it.
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    • Profile picture of the author HomeBizNizz
      Originally Posted by 5minutejoomla View Post

      Looks like there is an extension category for that.

      Go to >Extensions >Structure & Navigation >Multi Categorization

      FJ looks like it does just what you are asking for. Sorry I can't post a link yet or I'd send you right to it.
      I was looking through that section, but it seemed to be only for text, and not for the weblinks in Joomla.
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  • Profile picture of the author HomeBizNizz
    Yep, Joomla 1.6 has it now.
    Linkcategories nested/subcategories.

    Now are we talking using Joomla to do business.
    They removed sections in content.
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  • Profile picture of the author kachelman
    A great, i´ve been looking for this a long time.. I´ll download Joomla 1.6 (didn´t knew it was out yet)
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