Need some help with a newbie client

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I have a newbie client half way across the country and my life would be easier if she could edit portions of the wordpress website I built for her.

I tried to talk her through getting into the wp control panel and editor and gave up after about an hour on the phone. She's totally clueless and lost and I am absolutely certain she'll never come across this thread.

I have no experience with it, but I'm wondering if Live Writer might be worth trying.

#client #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author Cassidy
    Originally Posted by Nathan Segal View Post

    Don't know about Live Writer, not a clue. But I can suggest this: Go to the Jing Project and make a video of what you're trying to teach and send her the link. That's the best I can come up with...
    I thought of that, but she only has dial-up.


    One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

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    • Profile picture of the author antonisid
      Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post

      I thought of that, but she only has dial-up.
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  • Profile picture of the author LADWebDesign
    I have clients on dialup using MS Internet Explorer 6.0 who I have been able to instruct on how to use a Joomla site. I restrict their admin rights so that they basically only see the "articles" that they need to revise.
    LAD Web Design

    Follow me on Twitter
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  • I would make screenshots in Photoshop with written instructions right there on the screen so she can follow along.

    If she can't figure out that, then just charge her to make the changes. If she can't figure out WP, she'll never e able to figure out other forms of editing. WP is the easiest.
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    • Profile picture of the author kittyd
      In my opinion, you are wasting time trying to teach her, if she is totally CMS challlenged.

      I gave rights to a client to do such a thing, and he messed the styling just a little. howevere, that wouldn`t have been a problem... but got so scared that did smth wrong, and in the dispare that he would appear stupid for messing things up, try to fix it....
      do not ask for the outcome...

      so, just ask her to copy the article (in the state it is on the site) in notepad (not MS word!!!) (i assume she at least has that...), make the changes, save it and send it back. The fastest way for you as to paste it over. i would be much easier than fixing her input
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    • Profile picture of the author CreativeEye
      Originally Posted by Orlando Web Design View Post

      I would make screenshots in Photoshop with written instructions right there on the screen so she can follow along.
      This is a really effective way of getting instructions across to a client. Initially it's time consuming but well worth it. A good idea might be to create a very very simple web layout in PS. Then take grabs of the CMS and start to overly instructions and actions - find what are the most common things your clients tend to update. Put it together in a nice document and you have a basic instruction manual for all your clients and you add value to your service.
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