WooThemes Canvas Question

by chads
3 replies
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Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the widths of the sidebar and content areas? I know that you can choose from the presets, however the sidebar seems to stay the same width.

#canvas #question #woothemes
  • Profile picture of the author tbunch
    Originally Posted by chads View Post

    Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the widths of the sidebar and content areas? I know that you can choose from the presets, however the sidebar seems to stay the same width.

    Yes this can be done easily but you have to be careful of cause and effect. What I mean by this is that you can't just change the sidebar size without making other changes to keep from blowing out the theme.

    If you site is, for example, 850px wide and you have sidebars (based on a 3 column theme) set at 150px each then your content area is set at 550px. If you change the sidebars to 200px then that leaves your content area at 450 and may cause your layout to look bad - especially if you have lots of graphic content.

    You may find help @ WooThemes| Support
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    • Profile picture of the author CorpusCallosum
      OK great, but how do you actually do this?

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  • Profile picture of the author spesialis
    Canvas has a Layout manager, easy to use.

    Or you can use these: (940px width, one sidebar on the right)

    .two-col-left #main-sidebar-container #main, .two-col-right #main-sidebar-container #main {
    width: 64.89%;
    .two-col-left #main-sidebar-container #sidebar, .two-col-right #main-sidebar-container #sidebar {
    width: 31.91%;
    #sidebar-alt {
    width: 17.02%;

    It will be different based on the layout you choose for that particular page. For example, three column layout, 980px width, content in the middle.

    PM me if you need more help.
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