by ak2000
16 replies
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Does anyone have handy the HTML for a good, simple "Contact Us" form?

Tried a quick google but to no much success..

Many thanks!
#contact #form #html
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Web4Future Easiest Form2Mail - free form processor

    Try this one, check security issues first.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author MervikHaums
    If you are having basic knowledge with php - Here are few simplest contact forms. You can find 3-4 different versions here. Take the simplest one.

    Any free PHP contact form? - Free website templates
    => Ecommerce? Shopify?
    FB Ads? Check This 3 Minutes Video!
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  • Profile picture of the author abarton
    To create a simple and easy contact form there is a free service generator called

    You can set up a couple forms for free and they even keep stats on your forms usage. I highly recommend them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ak2000
    Sweet, job done. Many thanks all
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  • Profile picture of the author jmbinfo
    Check out formexperts dot com too. Easy to use. We use them on all our forms. ( oops...just saw you got it done. oh well, maybe someone else can benefit )
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    • Profile picture of the author ak2000
      Thanks anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author belfend
    nice thread i'am looking too for this script

    but can we add the captha or anything for spam protec
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  • Profile picture of the author alecmac
    Html is a very good and a easy language ,mostly use in programming language and is easy everything you put in a tag like <html><body>Good evening</body></html> this are the format and other tag also you use like<head></head><a></a><p></p> this tag also you use.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardHK
    Can you create a Contact Us form (with Captcha) if you have the Aweber mailer service? As I will likely use Aweber in near future, just thought it may be possible and thus save adding another service.

    Thanks all for the above. A useful thread. I am on brink of going with either the EmailMEForm or FormExperts paid service. (Must get into php sometime.)

    Richard, Hong Kong
    Business Consulting

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    • Profile picture of the author OleTom
      This is a very easy to use free php script it's user friendly and spammer unfriendly form2emailscript dot com
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardHK
    Thanks for that Tom. It certainly looks great for what I need. Will crack open my dusty php book and get moving.

    Richard, Hong Kong
    Business Consulting

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    • Profile picture of the author OleTom
      Originally Posted by RichardHK View Post

      Thanks for that Tom. It certainly looks great for what I need. Will crack open my dusty php book and get moving.
      Well when I say easy I Mean easy upload the file and all you have to do is put in your email address

      # CONFIGURABLE FIELDS            
      // Set a to field if this script will always post to the same email address (also protects from spammers.)
      // e.g.  = "";
       = "";
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  • Profile picture of the author Aare
    well.. i only use ms frontpage to setup such simple form, in wordpress I use plugins, thatn can be install under 1 minutes...
    God bless us all!
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  • Profile picture of the author hendricius
    Try contact form 7, the plugin is written in HTML so its easy to understand, plus you have numerous addons that you can use including a captcha.
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  • Profile picture of the author shikitou
    Let me tell you a more prevailing method that is commonly used by programmers. You can right click your mouse on the page where the form is located in, and select "view source code" in the pop up dialog and search the form you want in the notepad. Or you can download firebug if you use firefox. You can search it in google, definitely you will find it.
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