Old newbie needs help please
I have a website that I bought on E-bay back in March, it came with hosting and a Cpanel, but the only content was a crappy Amazon aStore and some Google adsense.
I have been working very hard on it since, with only very limited knowledge of HTML. I have no money at this time to pay a professional for web design or SEO or anything else, really.
So trying to build the site myself, the hard way, I added some pages with aStores, some more for content, a bunch of affiliate links, etc. I get 5 to 10 visitors a day, (without Google indexing my site, they say I violate their site policy and landing page quality guidelines) a click here and there, but nary a sale to date.
I notice from my statcounter stats that a good number of my visitors spend 0 seconds on my site. I think this is because my site looks crappy and unprofessional. I've built all of the pages using Wordpress, but in the Cpanel there are other options, QuickInstall has Joomla and other software for web design and content management,etc. but I have no idea what to do with those programs.
Can you guys critique my site and give me some ideas on how to improve it and with what software? Please be honest, I swear I won't be offended! LOL! I hate the way my site looks, but don't know what to do to fix it.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Just add dot com to my username to go to the site, and don't be shocked, it was built by me alone from a crappy 40 dollar cookie-cutter site, so don't expect too much! Thanks!
Landing pages/graphic design [1] [2] [3] [4]