How To Configure Get Response To work with Custom Form

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Hello Warriors,

Can somebody please advice or help. I have a custom designed opt-in form on my site and i want to get this form to be configured to work with my Get Response account.

My web designer doesnt know how to configure the code. Basically i created a plain form in get response and gave him the html code for this so he could add this to the custom form but he is not able to make it work. Get Response dont offer any support for third party forms.

Can anyone help me please?

#configure #custom #form #response #work
  • Profile picture of the author gyar29
    I've never worked with GetResponse, however; there are only so many ways you can configure a form. In general any form is targeted at a script that parses the information that is sent to the target script. You tell the form where the target script is by adding an "action" variable to the form itself. So in the code you received from GetResponse you should find the following code:
    <form action="" name="whatever" method="post or get">
    Of course, I've no idea what the url of GetResponse's parsing script for your particular form is, but it doesn't really matter. Just as long as you ensure that your custom form is being sent to exactly the same url as the form GetResponse supplied you. Additionally, you've got to ensure that whatever "method" your GetResponse form is using to send the information -the method=""- is duplicated in your form. If within the form tag there are other variables then you want to include those in your form tag also.

    Now all forms have variables that are sent to the parsing script. Again, I don't know what information your form is collecting, but that doesn't matter. So for the sake of this explanation we will assume you just collecting first name and email address. So in the code GetResponse gave you there should be code that will look something like this:
    <input type="text" name="fname" />
    <input type="text" name="email" />
    Again, there may also be additional variables added to the input tag. ID="" could be there, if it is give your input tags the same ID as the GetResponse form. You may also have some inline CSS inside the input tag. However, the important thing is that your name="" in the input tags is exactly the same name="" in the GetResponse input tags.

    Additionally, you will want to strip out any code that references any css, any graphic files, or anything else that may change the look of your custom form.

    There also may be hidden variables sent by the GetResponse form. Those variables may tell the GetResponse script who you are. Which one of your lists to add this particular email address to, and some other stuff. You will want to find out what those hidden variables represent, and which ones you need to ensure are being sent by your form. For the most part it is easy to determine what information those variables are sending to the parsing script. But if you can't, ask GetResponse they should have no problem telling you.

    In conclusion, don't let all the stuff that GetResponse will put in their form overwhelm you. The important stuff is that you send the information your form collects to exactly the same parsing script that GetResponse uses. That you ensure the method is the same, and that you name your variables exactly the same as they do.

    I've worked with forms from Aweber, Icontact, emailaces, and others and in my opinion they all code their forms with as much code as they can hoping that their users are so confused by the huge amount of code their forms contain that they feel gratitude that the the service generates it for them. Of course, I could be wrong and the people that code those forms just really like bloated code, but I doubt it.
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