Hide Wordpress Website whilst being built

by JulieJ
23 replies
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Hi Warriors,
I would like to hide my wordpress website from the world wide web whilst it is being constructed - any ideas how to do this?
#built #hide #website #whilst #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author mike gregory
    Originally Posted by JulieJ View Post

    Hi Warriors,
    I would like to hide my wordpress website from the world wide web whilst it is being constructed - any ideas how to do this?
    Hey you can block the search engines from your website by going to you admin page then under privacy and checking the box.
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  • Profile picture of the author gyar29
    Go here WordPress › WP Maintenance Mode « WordPress Plugins and get this plugin.


    Rename your current index.php file to something else maybe real_index.php. Then put up an index.php file that has what you want people to see while your constructing your real site.

    Take Care,
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    Under Settings >> Privacy..chose the appropriate option in there...and your pages will not be cached by google..
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  • Profile picture of the author gyar29

    I could be wrong, but I think she doesn't want anyone to see her site until she finishes it. The maintenance plugin adds nofollow noindex tags the index file it writes. So not only will she not get spidered by the legitimate SEs, anyone that stumbles onto her site will see the "In Maintenance" splash screen rather than a half finished blog.

    But then I could be wrong and all she wants is to not get spidered, if so you guys nailed it.

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    • Profile picture of the author JulieJ
      Thanks everyone and Gene, yes you're right! I don't want it seen by anyone or anything until finished!
      I also use a website for training purposes so only want certain people to view it - am I right in thinking the site will still be viewable if the full URL is entered?
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      • Profile picture of the author rkcc4
        Originally Posted by JulieJ View Post

        Thanks everyone and Gene, yes you're right! I don't want it seen by anyone or anything until finished!
        I also use a website for training purposes so only want certain people to view it - am I right in thinking the site will still be viewable if the full URL is entered?

        This is quite simple, either install the WP to a sub domain or a folder and don't provide a link from the root. For our dev area I just stick an HTML page up that says this page has intentionally been left blank.

        Of course if you do any links to it from other sites then Google will find it.

        Once the site is in Beta you can just increase the security so only certain people can view pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diane S
    By the way, the latest version of wordpress comes with privacy- no search engines as the default and you have to manually change it if you want the search engines to visit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    If you use the maintenance mode plugin nobody can see it - except logged in admin.

    am I right in thinking the site will still be viewable if the full URL is entered?
    No, you are not.

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  • Profile picture of the author Summer1
    I usually install wordpress locally while doing training purpose, once i am sure about it, i apply in my site.

    It has worked well so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author StephenJJackson

    You may have already had this post answered. When I was building my site, I really wanted a way to modify it but not make the changes public. I also didn't want to interfere with the Google, Bing or yahoo bots when they come to visit. So I found a site that shows how to install Wordpress on my PC and run it in windows. Works perfect and when I finished all my "MODS" just published my finished work. Send me a message if interested because I don't think I can post the link here. Thanks - Hope it helps.
    Stephen Jay Jackson is an Article Content Writer
    Writing the content you need, when you need it!
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnyData
    Julie, not sure if you figured out a way yet, but here is what I do...

    Within your index.php file, add the following to the line just under the first line ( first line should read "<?php" )

    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
    if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

    NOTE: visit IP Chicken - Whats my IP address? ip address lookup and replace "YOUR IP ADDRESS" above with your actual IP address

    Now, whenever anyone, including bots, visit your site, they simply see an Under Construction message, while you still have complete access...

    Also, when doing this, be sure to change your privacy settings in wp-admin so that search engines are blocked as to NOT notify them of any posts you make during test phases.

    When you are ready to go live, change the above to:

    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
    if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

    which will comment out the php block and make everything visible to everyone. I suggest commenting it out so if you ever need to use it again, you simply delete the /* and */ lines.
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    • Profile picture of the author JulieJ
      Originally Posted by JohnyData View Post

      Julie, not sure if you figured out a way yet, but here is what I do...

      Within your index.php file, add the following to the line just under the first line ( first line should read "<?php" )

      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
      if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

      NOTE: visit IP Chicken - Whats my IP address? ip address lookup and replace "YOUR IP ADDRESS" above with your actual IP address

      Now, whenever anyone, including bots, visit your site, they simply see an Under Construction message, while you still have complete access...

      Also, when doing this, be sure to change your privacy settings in wp-admin so that search engines are blocked as to NOT notify them of any posts you make during test phases.

      When you are ready to go live, change the above to:

      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
      if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

      which will comment out the php block and make everything visible to everyone. I suggest commenting it out so if you ever need to use it again, you simply delete the /* and */ lines.
      Originally Posted by JohnyData View Post

      Julie, not sure if you figured out a way yet, but here is what I do...

      Within your index.php file, add the following to the line just under the first line ( first line should read "<?php" )

      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
      if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

      NOTE: visit IP Chicken - Whats my IP address? ip address lookup and replace "YOUR IP ADDRESS" above with your actual IP address

      Now, whenever anyone, including bots, visit your site, they simply see an Under Construction message, while you still have complete access...

      Also, when doing this, be sure to change your privacy settings in wp-admin so that search engines are blocked as to NOT notify them of any posts you make during test phases.

      When you are ready to go live, change the above to:

      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $me = "YOUR IP ADDRESS";
      if($ip != $me) { echo "Under Construction"; exit; }

      which will comment out the php block and make everything visible to everyone. I suggest commenting it out so if you ever need to use it again, you simply delete the /* and */ lines.
      Thanks for info JohnyData.
      When you say put it under first line, do you mean on a separate line of its own? Or include it within the <?php of the first line?
      Have tried it out but can't seem to get it to work.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnyData
        I would put it underneath the first line. If you still can't get it,
        PM me and I will take a look for you if you want.
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        • Profile picture of the author benz1
          Sounds like some complicated solutions to an easy question... just use the Under Construction plugin WordPress › underConstruction « WordPress Plugins to display a Coming Soon page to the public but anyone that is logged into the site at any level will see the site.

          Can be used together with a login redirect plugin to redirect subscribers to the public site as soon as they log in.
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          • Profile picture of the author bestrendz
            Originally Posted by benz1 View Post

            Sounds like some complicated solutions to an easy question... just use the Under Construction plugin under construction to display a Coming Soon page to the public but anyone that is logged into the site at any level will see the site.

            Can be used together with a login redirect plugin to redirect subscribers to the public site as soon as they log in.
            i'd recommend this. nobody can see the site except the admin.
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            • Profile picture of the author Tech Diva
              There's a super WP plug in I use all the time for this.

              Google WP Maintenance Mode.

              You can customize the splash page that's up while you work on the backend. As Admin, you can see everything but everyone else gets the splash page.
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  • Profile picture of the author iphone
    assuming this is an Apache website you can create a .htaccess file (in fact, edit the one that's already in WP directory) so that only your IP address is allowed to see the website:

    <Limit GET POST>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from 100.100.100.

    All other IPs will be blocked.

    But I agree with benz1, just use the plug in. Much simpler.
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  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    I use the lock-out wordpress plugin, you can find it here: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lock-out/

    It's super easy to use....
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Squid
    I develop it all locally using xampp.
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  • Profile picture of the author tapont71
    I see you have quite a few options, but this is another for anyone seeking this same info. Elegant themes has a plugin called Anticipate that works as an under construction page while you work on your site. Its customizable and works well. You do have to use their themes for this plugin is configured for theirs only. Heres the link to their themes Premium WordPress Themes | Elegant Themes

    Hope this helps some

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  • Profile picture of the author yakrider
    I'm looking to do the same thing Julie was.

    Here's another option that looks pretty cool...:-)

    Coming Soon or Under Construction Page - WordPress Plugin

    Collecting emails while under construction may or may not be a good idea. What do you think?

    Mtn Jim
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      I think you might be overlooking something. Just because you put up a site doesn't mean that anyone will visit it.

      Unless you have told someone about the site, or are doing some SEO, they're not coming.

      Save yourself some work.

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author keepgoin
    Very useful thread guys - I was looking for the same advice.


    Learning Fast Right Here :)

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