2 Wordpress Plugins That Will Save Your Life!
After losing a blog & having some database issues in the past. I know how important it is to back up you blog content and files. This can be done automatically on your behalf and doesn't have to take up any of your time once its all setup. Most importantly the 10 minutes it takes you to set this up can save you HOURS upon HOURS of time trying to get your blog fixed or dealing with you hosting company to see if they somehow have a backup for you...
So go download these 2 plugins now!
#1 - WP-DB-Backup (this one backs up your database automatically)
#2 - Wordpress Backup (this one backs up your plugins, themes and uploads from the wp-content folder automatically)
Yes you can back these up manually in your C-panel account, but with these plugins it is done automatically for you each and every week or day depending on how often you want it to...
Have you ever lost content on your blog without having a backup? Let me know below!
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2 Secret Shortcuts To Fast Profits Online
There are so many people that think success
is all about just being persistent... I want to
share with you today WHY that is NOT enough!
Listen to the full story here!