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I'm relatively new to cPanel. Before, I've done most of my website configuration via linux command line.

My question is, if you have done a cPanel full backup on a shared hosting, can you use the zip file or tar ball and unzip it to any cPanel-based dedicated hosting? Or vice versa?

#cpanel #query
  • Profile picture of the author SmartWeb
    Originally Posted by anislagan View Post


    I'm relatively new to cPanel. Before, I've done most of my website configuration via linux command line.

    My question is, if you have done a cPanel full backup on a shared hosting, can you use the zip file or tar ball and unzip it to any cPanel-based dedicated hosting? Or vice versa?


    Yes you can do that. any cPanel supports installing the site using the ZIP file done by any other cPanel hosting. like you can zip the hosting in Bluehost and install the hosting in hostmonster using same Zip file.

    But yes they restrict this process for the size of ZIP file. just check on size of file.
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