11 replies
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Warriors, any idea of a good, stable, reliable software to build a social networking/community site?
Thaks for helping.
#building #good #interested #network or community #social #software
  • Profile picture of the author genhorrall
    Not really sure of one yet. I have heard infusion soft is good for building membership sites from your WP site, but that is pretty expesive. I was just looking at it last night. You have to have the infusion soft and then another plugin for infusion WP.

    Like I said though it is kind of expensive. Not familuar with building one, but I do know that Ning was a good place to start communities before, but now you have to pay for their service and I am not sure if you are allowed to charge for subscriptions to your community.

    Sorry probably not what you were looking for, but I thought I would try to help with what I do know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Spencer
    I'm currently helping a client build one with wordpress and buddypress. It was pretty straight forward to install and for the initial setup, getting someelse to do most of the customisation.

    Let me know if you got any more questions be happy to help you out.


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  • Profile picture of the author 365Daysof
    WordPress + BuddyPress is a bit limiting IMO, but good for a base.

    Dolphin is a MESS in the code, and difficult for newbies to modify, upgrade and manage, but is VERY strong in certain social media areas, like chat and such.

    Joomla + JomSocial is a relatively inexpensive solution that is pretty much out-of-the-box and can be used with a commercial template to look great quickly. It does have a few kinks, as all solutions do, but it's generally the choice I make, because of the HUGE extensibility with video, audio, forums, and other parts of the Joomla CMS.

    Everyone has their preferences, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author spawnomercy
    I vote for BoonEx Dolphin 7... it's very complete... but you can try Social Engine PHP too...
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  • Profile picture of the author dassad
    I used Social Engine and Elgg to, elgg is really simple and easy, SocialEngien is more complex but more BUG's. My favorite is Wordprss, sometimes with BuddyPress, and sometimes without it, but from Wordpress you can build out a nice social community.

    Also i don't tried but as i know Joomla has also some nice plugins for this.

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  • Profile picture of the author 365Daysof
    Another goo thought is to look up the systems you are interested in and spend dome time in their forums. Look at their showcase sites. See what is happening and being discussed.

    We will all have our preferences, so only you will be able to decide the best fit based on experience and what you've read.
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    • Profile picture of the author GAVROCHE
      Thank you for all answers to my question.

      I'm looking now into SOCIAL ENGINE, PHPFOX and JOOMLA.
      SOCIAL ENGINE looks interesting...

      No way for DOLPHYN - I knew it years ago...a nightmare...

      Best wishes to all of you.
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