Embedded CSS Explained

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Embedded styles are set in the HEAD section of your web page. The rule into each heading tag as you must do with HTML attributes or with inline rules. An H1 heading given the red color to an embedded style rule will render the H1 heading in red every time you use it on the page without having to code. The difference is that with an embedded rule, you don't have to create a rule with each use of an HTML element. It is same as an inline style rule, This styles allow you to override the rules of an external style sheet.
#css #embedded #explained
  • Profile picture of the author alexbert
    Originally Posted by calebevan View Post

    Embedded styles are set in the HEAD section of your web page. The rule into each heading tag as you must do with HTML attributes or with inline rules. An H1 heading given the red color to an embedded style rule will render the H1 heading in red every time you use it on the page without having to code. The difference is that with an embedded rule, you don't have to create a rule with each use of an HTML element. It is same as an inline style rule, This styles allow you to override the rules of an external style sheet.

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    it is very useful for me,
    Thanks to sharing
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