changing leading in optimizepress

by teekz
3 replies
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Anyone know how to the change the leading in optimize press?

#changing #leading #optimizepress
  • Profile picture of the author DaveC2
    Originally Posted by teekz View Post

    Anyone know how to the change the leading in optimize press?

    Since this is a premium theme then I believe the protocol is to try their support forum first. Just out of interest are you asking here because their support forum is down? I was thinking of buying optimize press but if their support is poor then I may re-consider.
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    • Profile picture of the author teekz
      They basically told metro hire a web developer to tweak the CSS,it's a good theme but it has it's limitations when it comes to editing
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    Leading or the space between lines is changed inside of the CSS file. If you backup you CSS file, then you can make changes to it and FTP it to your server.

    In CSS you are looking for line-height

    p {line-height:120%}

    Will set the spacing between lines to 120% of "normal"....

    W3Schools has a good online reference for CSS commands. Here is a link for the specific command you are looking for:

    CSS line-height property

    Good Luck.
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