HTML Tutorial
I'm an offline marketer and have been building Wordpress sites for my clients since I went self employed.
The stakes have gotten a lot higher this week and I agreed to do a sister website for a billion dollar company. Only problem is that it needs to be in HTML. Now, I used to build basic sites in HTML back in Uni but that was 10 years ago.
The company has hired a graphic design company to come up with the layout and everything. So I will effectively be cutting up a photoshop template. I'll also need to add search functions and this bit of java where they want users to be able to rollover different parts of an image and things to pop up.
Anyway, I need a HTML refresher. I don't plan to code the search function or anything else myself, I'll just pull that from the net.
Can any Warriors recommend good HTML tutorial videos from the basic chopping up of a PSD through to adding bits of Java/PHP.
I'm so out of touch it's not funny.
Thanks guys

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