Review my website please ..

24 replies
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Please review this site and give me a rating on a scale 10
Thanks in Advance ...
#review #website
  • Profile picture of the author RyanTH
    I think the site looks great! The only thing I would suggest is perhaps a clearer statement for users who first arrive. Write a slogan of some kind to tell me exactly what the site is. The way it is now, I get there and feel like I don't really know what the purpose of the site is and what I should expect from it.

    Other than that, I think the site looks terrific. Well done!

    The luxury of self-discipline.

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  • Profile picture of the author teamheroic
    its pretty basic, but you have done alot of great things to your site, for all the different tabs in the side menu, i would mae them highlight when you hover over them as you did on the top.

    Rate. 7.
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  • Profile picture of the author JuneCelo
    Looks good to me. But there is one thing I would like to suggest, fix the formatting on the "Killer In Tech Video Portal" image description in the home page. The words are going out of your border.

    Other than that, great job on this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordi

    Don't know what the site is about, designs are not simple good but simple bad, you either didn't put effort into the designs OR your design skills are at 1 out of 10.

    I'm guessing this is from a WP theme as well? Well you are VERY limited then.
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    • Profile picture of the author 3dy
      Really unique and beautiful, I absolutely love the shape of the website and the background so if you really want a rating, here it is mine for originality: ★★★★★.

      But if you really wanted to improve something, it should be the logo, it's just not at the level of the rest of your website - yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikedex
    Please make visible your social sharing buttons. These are very small. Overall good design.
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  • Profile picture of the author rain21
    I give u 8
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  • Profile picture of the author tafas
    Nice built.
    I would also like to try this site with the gap closed between two main divisions. Just out of curiosity.
    But so far this is unique and attractive with creative layout.
    Sites theme could be represented better with a tagline though, at first look I ouldnt get what the site is about.

    I give it 8/10

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  • Profile picture of the author sketteksalfa
    SEO wise i think there's a lot of things to be done. Title is very critical for SEO so i think you need to change that asap.
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  • Profile picture of the author laesvirta
    very nice, very clean. I didn't find an about section - it would be nice to know what the site is about and who owns it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielDuffo
    Great work.
    i give you 10+
    keep it up

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  • Profile picture of the author antac
    Very nice design. Colors mold nicely. I like your background image and nice layout. They have a nice look without taking up too much of the page. Anyways, After all that bashing, I think that you have a great start on the site. I can see it becoming a pretty awesome site.
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  • Profile picture of the author redexclub
    I like it.. creative concept and good job on design. but still it need some more tuning!! 7 out of 10!! Keep it up buddy

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  • Profile picture of the author crazyJon
    Really a nice site, but as somebody above already told, there are still some little thing that should to be done. I dont have working all images, links bottom "Switch to our mobile site" is crazy and so. But without those 9 from 10! Great job!
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  • Profile picture of the author zigzag007
    Overall looks good, I don't like the top background tho. IMHO
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  • Profile picture of the author programming
    I dont like the logo. It looks outdated. Gray text on white background is not good too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    I like the site, its cleanand functional. Did you do it yourself?
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  • Profile picture of the author jaasmit
    I will give you a rating of 8!
    Because as designer i know that it is not that much easy as it seems to be.
    Rather than it is much bigger than that.
    Good work...keep it up!
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  • Profile picture of the author mmrumii
    looking great for beautiful color combination and different ideas.
    your site is looking different than other. Here's nothing to be disagree with another people . personally I really like your site design, site content and site topics.
    it's a good job as well,. go on with your great responsibility.
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  • Profile picture of the author zotown
    really nice design and is easy to navigate. I give you an 8
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    I like the background,.. but I will rate your whole site at 7 because of 2 points.. 1.the logo looks really famillar lol... it was a logo design tutorial by CD right? perhaps you can put variation on it and not copy how it was made without infusing your own..(except for the letter K).. 2. I am a bit lost whit your site, I don't know what the site is about. If these were fixed then I'd give you 9 just because nothing's perfect and we need to reinvent our site design and layout to improve it.
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  • Profile picture of the author easternodyssey
    The site seems quite slow. I think you have a lot of Javascript and CSS in the template by the looks of it. Plus you need to improve the text below the main images, it looks a little strange.
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