Obviously feeling a bit dumb today, could use another pair of eyes on this one.

5 replies
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I for the life of me can't figure out where to find the 'th' text to the left of this page as per the screen shot

Awesome Screenshot

I have scanned the entire directory for exact matches for 'th' but as you can probably expect, with the word 'the' being so popular, 100's of results - none the one I am looking for.

site ref is contributors.tattoosecrets.net

appreciate any new insight you can give me, not a biggie just a little unprofessional imo

Thanks in advance as always
#bit #dumb #eyes #feeling #pair #today
  • Profile picture of the author vulcanscripts
    The "th" is on line 17 before "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC". The document also has two heads and bodys so you should probably clean that up too.
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    • Profile picture of the author webpeon
      Originally Posted by vulcanscripts View Post

      The "th" is on line 17 before "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC". The document also has two heads and bodys so you should probably clean that up too.
      Thanks for the reply vulcan, didn't work unfortunately..

      Line 17 </div>

      and I cant seem to see a duplication in the head/body you mentioned
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      • Profile picture of the author vulcanscripts
        How are you viewing the source? Visit: The W3C Markup Validation Service and then click on more options and tick the show source box. Enter your url and then click on check. The line I'm referring to will show up as line 20. Line 17 for me as I was using my own markup checker. If you are using your browsers show source feature it might not be showing you the entire source of the document because html should only have one head and one body per document and you have two.
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  • Profile picture of the author webpeon
    Yup its official.. I am feeling dumb today..

    Thanks for the heads up vulcan, both issues have been sorted - easy when you look in the correct place
    Web 2 Mobile
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